Author Topic: 50 CAL. Bullet lubing  (Read 1149 times)

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Offline diddy

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50 CAL. Bullet lubing
« on: December 07, 2002, 04:59:55 AM »
Just bought a Tradition in-line Sporter 50 CAL. and want to use triple 7 powder. I want to use a 250 grain R.E.A.L. cast bullet with LEE mold 2 cavity. I wrote the Lee Company and was told it's best not to resize the bullets due to their design to be selfcleaning. I ordered some Alox wax, but was told it wont soften the fouling. Can anyone tell me how to hand lube 50 cal. cast bullets using say Black Powder Gold lube? Have never hand lubed cast bullets??????

Offline Aladin

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Re: 50 CAL. Bullet lubing
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2002, 06:20:24 AM »
Quote from: diddy
Just bought a Tradition in-line Sporter 50 CAL. and want to use triple 7 powder. I want to use a 250 grain R.E.A.L. cast bullet with LEE mold 2 cavity. I wrote the Lee Company and was told it's best not to resize the bullets due to their design to be selfcleaning. I ordered some Alox wax, but was told it wont soften the fouling. Can anyone tell me how to hand lube 50 cal. cast bullets using say Black Powder Gold lube? Have never hand lubed cast bullets??????

First question I'd raise for you is how hard is that 'gold' lube? The harder the consistentcy the less likely it'll work well for you. Then it goes to your climate conditions-- how warm/hot are the air temps?

It's a tradeoff between handling characteristics [mess] and optimum lube performance [thin bodied flowing easily]. But give that lube a try.

You stand the bullets upright in a small flat bottomed tin and pour molten lube into that container to reach the level on the bullet that fills the lube grooves. Once that lube is fully set,  you cut those slugs out with an old fired case which just passes over the slug dia. Bein' a 50 you'll need to improvise the cutter.

Or heat that lube to a soft state and wipe the grooves full-- making a low number of slugs for a trial. That lube also could be thinned to meet your needs by adding peanut oil or similar.

"that's my story and I'm stick'n to it"

Offline diddy

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50 CAL. Bullet lubing
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2002, 06:58:41 AM »
Thanks for the reply. Black Powder Gold melts at 130 temp. I ordered some Alox along with the mold that is suppose to be a liquid that coats the casted bullets then dries. I would just use this if it wouldnt lead the barrel. I will have to check around for something to cut the cast bullets out of the lube. As for climate, no farther North then Missouri. thanks again.

Offline Aladin

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50 CAL. Bullet lubing
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2002, 07:02:03 AM »
One detail I miss laid.. Some find allox to form a hard residue shooting BLK like fuels..

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Offline The Shrink

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50 CAL. Bullet lubing
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2002, 11:49:16 AM »

I'm relatively new to this too, but this is how I do it.  You need a lube that melts, and always melt it in a double boiler, never over direct heat.  I make my own, it's approximately 25% Crisco, 25% Lanolin, 40% beeswax, and 10% Lubeguard.  The essential ingrediant is the fats, the was is the carrier and the Lubeguard adds high temp nonpetroleum lubricants.  

Stand the bullets up in a container - I use the plastic throw-away food storage thingies - and poor the hot lube over them up to the last greese grove.  Let this harden, some folks put it in the freezer for a while.  Pop the block out of the container and push your bullets through the lube with your finger.  Hey Presto! Lubed bullets.  

I even went out to Big Lots and bought a pot and metal bowl to make a double boiler, thinking LOML (Love Of My Life) would want to keep this separate from the  food prep things.  Quit worrying when I saw her making salad in my bowl!  Run them through the dishwasher and they are fully clean, and it's all digestable anyway - except maybe the Lubeguard.  

Don't let it throw you, it's easier than cooking!

Wayne the shrink
Wayne the Shrink

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Offline Sharpsman

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Lubing bullets
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2002, 11:49:20 AM »
Put the lube in a small skillet; turn on the stove.......low! Use a rubber glove to pick the bullets up by their meplat....the nose....and dip them! Quick and easy and better works!