So I haven't been around here much lately. been prety busy with my two year old, plus I am taking on an officers position at the American Legion that I am member of so my time is pretty well taken up. Anyways, last year was a huge success for my dad and I, both getting deer on the first two days of the season, My wife decided that she was not going to go last year, which sucked but was her choice. So fast forward to the present. Last friday night I started to start collecting my deer hunting things from their various places around the house and take inventory. Dad calls and wants to go spray a field out at my mom's families farm to kill off the brome planted in it so we can plant a foodplot there for the quail. Dad is on a mission to restart the quail population at the farm but thats a while nother subject. Anyways, we leave town saturday morning, and no farther than 3 blocks from my house he breaks the news to me. We can no longer deer hunt where we have been for the last 30+ years. My moms uncle, who owns the place, leased it out to "someone in Topeka". Now I know in my own mind who it is that leased it, but thats not important. What pisses me off is that if my dads dad hadn't stopped by to talk to my great-uncle, we wouldn't have even known he had leased it, because he didn't have the stones to call any of use and tell us that he had leased it out. So now I am in shock. What am I going to do? How am I going to feed my family,as all we eat is deer? I was pissed to say the least. So when we get to the farm I asked my moms dad if he know who had leased it. Wrong move. He went ballistic. I think we was more pissed off by the deal than what dad and I were. And then out of nowhere he says," How does a dollar sound?" What? Now I'm lost again. Then he explained a little better," How does a dollar sound to lease the farm, to hunt on." I have no idea where that came from, but he goes on and says that he doesn't want my daughter not have a place to go hunting when she gets old enough so he is going to lease us the farm for a dollar. Now I don't know if that means a dollar a year or what, but a dollar is a dollar and I payed him right there on the spot. The problem now is that I have to relearn everything at the farm to be succesfull deer hunting at the farm. Oh well. Such is life I guess.