This is My angle --- even If I'm not out of lead,,, when you get Tires - You are then a costumer and can get a better deal on wheel weights,,,, bring your own bucket can sometimes help... and still be willing to pay for the WW -- Or if a tire place sells gas fill your car there -- This may only be in small town USA.
All in all -- $50 is way less then Gunshop ingets... probebly not a bad price for walking in
My work had me trucking in to Pacific Steel , And asked then what a 5 gal bucket of WW was ,,, they didn't have any,, so I didn't get a price --- The salvage lead price is the price ... This price would be on the internet someplace.. MY guess is $50 is fair and less then $50 is a deal
The places that buy old batters also pick up wheelweights too, bring the price up ..
Now that you have a bucket look for a deal on your next - long befor you run low DAN