Author Topic: Need help: Disassembly and Reassembling Beretta A390 and Browning Bar 270  (Read 3156 times)

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Offline Minnesota1

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Does anyone have links to any videos on the assembly and disassembly of the Beretta A390 semi auto shotgun?  Also, my dad has a newer Browning BAR in 270 win and would like to see a video on that.

Any help or pointers would be appreciated.


Offline gunnut69

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The only videos for such I've seen are those produced by the American Gunsmith Assc. They have a website but as of now it's flown my mind, a google search should find it for you. You may have to join but they have a really interersting magazine and it full of interesting tidbits on working on many guns.. They represent working and part time smiths.. Also there are several books with teardown instructions for various weapons. Most can be found on Ebay, GunBroker and AuctionArms. You might also check the Wolf Publishing sight as they publish several books specifically to the point you are looking for.. Mine are in the shop just now but I'll look for you later when I 'go to work'.
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Offline 1sourdough

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  'BAR Field Service Manual', viewable at It has dis-assembly  instructions & parts list. It may be under the gunsmith heading.
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Offline Urban_Redneck

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The 390 is pretty simple, I don't have mine in front of me, but, here goes..

Make certain the gun is unloaded.

Press the small button on the shell lifter, lock bolt to rear.

Unscrew barrel nut, remove forend, barrel, and piston

Grasp operating handle and remove by tugging straight away from the bolt

Grasp the metal action rod sleeve that surrounds the magazine tube and release the bolt ** carefully as the bolt wants to fly out the front of the action **

Slide the bolt and carriage from the receiver

The trigger can be removed by pushing the large dimpled retaining pin through the receiver and removing it. Slide the trigger assembly forward approx 1/16" and pull down on the trigger guard to remove the unit.

That is as far as you need to go for a thorough cleaning of the action. Do not disassemble the trigger unit any further.

There are two gas ports inside the gas cylinder that bleed gas from the barrel to operate the piston these can be cleaned by getting a few drops of solvent in there and using a pipe cleaner or torch tip cleaner. For best results clean these ports before and after cleaning the barrel.

The piston/cylinder is really the "dirty" part of the gun, soak the piston in solvent and scrub with a Scotch Brite pad.

I hope that helps!
