I think the main reason is to end America the way it is with its free enterprise. They want to do this of coarse, because it empowers them, the government. Also they do want people to suffer because it makes people dependent on them. So the first reason leads to the second and the second to the third. They accomplish this by making more and more people dependent on them, the government, by taking more and more from them, the people, whether its in the form of money or freedoms.
History has proven that socialism, and communism do not work for the people, but it sure empowers the governing body over them. I don't think government is that stupid or insane. They know what they are doing. Its the voters that I think are stupid, or insane. They are either stupid or insane, or they do want government to tell them how to live, and they do want government to spend their money for them, because we the people keep voting the same socialists into office over and over again. So its one of the two. Stupid, as in don't have a clue what they are doing when they walk to the voting booth, or we the people want it this way. I guess there is a third reason, and that is many Americans just don't care, and forgo their duty as Americans to go and vote. I say shame on those that don't have a clue, and shame on those that don't vote. Both groups are not doing their duty as Americans. I almost forgot the other group that is living on the tax payers backs, that votes money out of tax payers pockets. Shame on them also.