Clearly, he is a "progressive' or Fabian Socialist if you prefer..doing his best to destroy the US. Almost anyone can tell him how to save jobs pay off his intentionall run up debt and put people to's how;
!. No moratorium on drilling in the gulf, halting layoffs of Americans (moratorium is just long enough, so the rigs will be forced to pull out)
2) Don't send 20 billion dollars of our borrowed money to expedite Brazil's off shore drilling. (even if it is George Soros' co... 'Brasco')
3) Drill in the western reserves and Alaska..hundreds of thousands of jobs in drilling, pipelines, trucking, seaborne shipping and the services for these workers.
4) While we are being self-sufficient, energy wise, devote the tax revenues from the expanded petroleom sales toward feasible alternative energy.
5) Meanwhile, use our own petroleum from our own wells...and quit sending billions and billions of our dollars to Muslim dictators, so they can finance atacks against us.
6) Reinvigorate ouir space defense program, especially since our most likely enemies..Iran, Russia, N Korea and China are working dilligently to enlarge and modernize their attack capabilities...many thousands more jobs there.
7) Defund all the bogus programs..ACVORN< Planned Parenthood, ACLU, National Endowment for the Arts and any other useless fund absorbers.
These are just for starters, there are hundreds more cost savers available , obvious even to the layman..