something to think about. groundhogs are transient animals, if you shoot one close to his den, it,s likely that another one will move in very soon. because they only stay by a food sorce. dont leave them lay, move them from the hole, so there cousin will move in. this is true! and it can happen in a few days! more than once, i have hit them badly and they went back into there hole,s to die,( the smell tells the tale) then cousin moves in! they will push the carcas out and move right in! i know this sounds far out, but it,s true! in ohio my boys and i are in charge of two farms. we were to shoot all ground hogs! we have a great time. this summer we took 31 hogs off of those two farms. we used a 22-250ai,222magai,222rem,22hornet imp,and a 22 pistole.
i have lots of good pictures, if any one wants to see.