Author Topic: The Historic Guns of Forts Sumter and Moultrie  (Read 458 times)

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The Historic Guns of Forts Sumter and Moultrie
« on: October 13, 2010, 09:31:49 AM »
This is a document from the NPS put together by Mike Ryan in 1997. This may have been posted here before, but I don't recall it (at this point in time they all begin to blur together :)) There are descriptions of the big guns (and some small) that served as the armament of these two famous forts. One of the things that interested me most in this PDF is that it contains a list of Army & Navy 100-pdr Parrott failures [pp. 59-61].

I've always found the imagery in this photo to be slightly incongruos; reason would suggest that you should be looking at a 'big gun' where the mt. howitzer is perched [pp.68-69].

Charleston, S.C., breach patched with gabions on the north wall of Fort Sumter.
RIP John. While on vacation July 4th 2013 in northern Wisconsin, he was ATVing with family and pulled ahead of everyone and took off at break-neck speed without a helmet. He lost control.....hit a tree....and the tree won.  He died instantly.

The one thing that you can almost always rely on research leading to, is more research.