Author Topic: 445 S.M.  (Read 491 times)

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Offline rickyp

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445 S.M.
« on: November 30, 2003, 07:45:51 AM »
I am thinking about getting a 445 SM contender barrel
not sure if it will be 10 or 14 inch long.
 Can I use the same 44 mag rcbs / Lee dies  to load the 445 S.M.
how does theis compair to say the 45/70 ? or should I just get a 14 inch 45/70?

Offline BCB

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445 S.M.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2003, 09:52:08 AM »

I have a Super 14” rechambered 44 Magnum barrel to 445 SM.  Accuracy has been mediocre, 1.5” to 2.0” at 100 yards.  Recoil is furious (I ain’t a wimp nor am I recoil-sensitive), and the ‘scope will stay in place for about 75-100 rounds.

I have shot cast and jacketed bullets, more than a dozen powders, and every other combination I could attempt to get M.O.A.  Ain’t gonna happen!!!  I know there will be many shooters who claim M.O.A. with their 445’s—good deal—mine won’t do such feats.  I would absolutely go with a 3-ring system to mount a ‘scope.

I use RCBS 44 Magnum dies to size the brass.  By the way, their ain’t many sources of brass either and it is expensive.  I am shooting Starline brass and I get ½ dozen reloads before case head separation occurs.  I use the Lee Factory Crimp 44 Magnum die to crimp the bullets in place.

The 445 SM sure ain’t been my greatest reloading/shooting venture of my lifetime!!!  Good-luck with your 445 SM if you get one…BCB

Offline rickyp

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445 S.M.
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2003, 02:08:41 PM »
for me 2 inches at 100 yards is good enough for my needs  i will mostly be shooting deer well under that range and paper out to 100 yards.

The scope mount i was considering is a ssk t'sob

i mostly use starline brass so that isnt a problum and I will mostly be using cast bullets
If i even get this barrel.

Offline Jay HHI6818

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445 S.M.
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2003, 04:54:38 PM »
I bought a used 14 inch SSK 445SM off GBO's three years ago and I really haven't done alot of load testing but AA1680 has given me the best groups with cast and jacketed bullets. I have some 325 gr gas checked bullets that will shoot 2 inches @ 100 yards. Last trip to the range with it the Nosler 240 gr HP ran 1700+ FPS with 37.0 grs of AA1680. My barrel has JD's T'SOB base and the scope has stayed put. Shortly after I bought the 445 some fellow listed a set of Redding 445SM dies on GBO's so I bought them. The sizer die sizes the mouth smaller for about an 1/2 inch down from the mouth for a really tight bullet grip.
As far as recoil goes, its up there.

Offline rickyp

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445 S.M.
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2003, 05:26:54 PM »
is it as bad as a 375 jdj with 270 or 300 gr bullets?

Offline Daveinthebush

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« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2003, 06:16:06 PM »
I had a 14" .44 mag sent to Mike Bellum and rechambered to .445, six base screws and a muzzle break installed.  Topped it off with a 1.5 Leupold.

I have not done any 100 yard accuracy yet. 50 yards I get 1/2" or so.  My loads are not max. yet and I haven't loaded enough to have any brass wear out.

The recoil seems to be the same as an unscoped 10" .44 mag with stiff loads. WATCH out for the trigger guard though :eek: . It will bit the unwary person with the .445.

I really want to take a grizz this spring with mine. :roll:  So if you see a grizz running around Alaska carrying a nice Contender in .445 SM this summer you'll know he won. :roll:
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Offline Jay HHI6818

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445 S.M.
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2003, 04:19:55 PM »
Its hard to compare my 375JDJ vs 445SM recoil since my 375JDJ is a  16 1/4 inch barrel with the muzzle arrester and the 445 SM does not have a brake. When I shoot either off the sandbags I only use my right hand to hold the gun and I'm able to hang on to the 445.