Author Topic: Plastic on a browning  (Read 527 times)

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Offline DANNY-L

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Plastic on a browning
« on: September 15, 2011, 07:00:51 AM »
I have several browning bolt actions and like them alot but a friend of mine came up yesterday to shoot his 243 wssm and I couldn't believe that browning was making the mag.follower and the floorplate plate out of plastic. The rifle is a few years old but only been fired no more than 20 times and a few times it failed to cycle out of the magazine. Is this something that can be changed over to the steel like it should be. That plastic imo is nothing but a problem waiting to happen.

Offline mannyrock

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Re: Plastic on a browning
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2011, 07:43:20 AM »
   Because of its very odd shape, the .243 wssm cartridge is notorious for feeding problems.  I don't think the problem with your friend's rifle lies in the plastic mag follower, but in the inherent problems of the cartridge.
  I too hate plastic parts, which is why I am dumbfounded that people run out and by brand new rifles, when they could buy the older rifles, much better built, in VG+ condition, for about half the price.
  Get the full Brownell's catalogue.  It is very very thick.  They have hundreds of useful conversions and parts, and may have a steel replacement follower for this.