This project dosen't have much wood work but it's still pretty cool.
I have a whole lot of rust that I have collected over decades sitting around in the backyard. It's all pretty neat stuff.
Well, I decided to do something with a piece of it.
I took a water pump that has been in the yard for around 25 years and decided to make a lamp out of it. I originally found it in an old barn.
I took it apart and cleaned most of the rust off with a wire brush on an angle grinder.
I polished the brass tank and added some brass tube sleeving over some of the bolts. I also added brass acorn nuts.
I made a red oak base for it and added the conduit plumbing for the wires and to support the light fixture.
I finished cleaning the rust and oiled it with Formbys satin finish oil. The oak base is stained dark.
I added a touch dimmer to it so to turn it on or off, all you have to do is touch the metal anywhere.
This is a 23" lamp shade I had from another lamp. It is not the one I want.
I really want a rawhide shade but they are around $180. A nice metal shade that big is also expensive, around $100.
Until I find something better, this one will have to do.
My back yard is a treasure trove of future projects. It will give me something to do when I don't have a cannon carriage to build. I just finished my first carriage for the year but it looks like all the other naval carriages I have posted and I decided not to bore anyone with it.
So you got this instead!