I have made several holsters and belts and used a 10 oz. Leather. I am a big fellow and like the thickness around my waiste. Tandy's sells belt blanks and those are nice, but you can cut your own. My first holster/belt was a buscadero rig. The belt is 3" wide and has the drop down loop, I cut that from a full side of leather I bought. I found a place on the web that sold latigo sides in 10oz. for ~$150 delivered. That was two years ago, though. I did get that belt, a holster, two more belts, a guitar strap, 2 more holsters, a quivver for crossbow bolts, and a pair of cowboy cuffs, and I still have some left. Tandy's is great, especially now that they have the store nearby, but they can be $$ on leather. I have also bought some leather from Moscow Fur and Hide, on the web. I bought a smoke tan beef hide that will soon be a flannel lined fringed cover for my Henry. Anyway, more information than was needed, but I like the 10 oz for blets and holsters, and once you decide, there are lots of good internet places to shop, including Tandy