There is a mule footed hog. there is an association.If i remember right, there is a breed of danish land race hogs tha t have thirteen rib bones, and a n extra vertabra(or two, I don't remember ) Some dogs have dew claws, some don't have much that way. Just another manifestation ofthe diversity and utility the creator built into his creation. the extra long hogs have more money cuts, that is chops and bacon than a shorter stuffier hog.
During the early part of the twentieth century, glicerince, for explosives, and a lot of othe "chemicals were gotten from hog carcasses, and the same " breeds" we see today are a lot longer and leaner. hog breeders have adapted to a loin/chop bacon hog instead of a lard, sausage ham hog. Nature does the same thing. stronger necks, tusks, dark color, longer, stiffer hair, and lean red meat instead of almost white meat like grocery store pork. you would be surprised a the difference in two hogs, one in confinement, the other wild. Probably three generations of the same blood line, you wouldn't believe. Add already wild the way, the "wild ones go back to domestic fatties pretty quick, too.