I tell ya... Ima gonna take up something that has better odds of success... like the lottery! I wouldda thought this weekend would be perfect! Moon, temperature, everything! And not a deer did I see!
I may be reduced to eating beef this year!
I did see another coyote. It ran across right in front of me as I was driving in. Headed for my stand!
Some time later, while I was watching 6 squirrels playing around on the ground, a deer snorted twice just beyond my limit of vision; about 40 yards away. It couldn't have smelled me since it was upwind so I figure it may have spotted that coyote lurking around.
Let me tell you, when that deer snorted those squirrels were up a tree and gone! Didn't come back for an hour or so either!
My trail cam showed only two does and two fawns moving through last week. Again, either right at or after dark.
On the other hand, Tommy's trail cam picked up 4 or 5 new bucks!
Including a REAL good 8 point we'd never seen before. I'll try to get him to email me a copy so I can post it. The big thing is, this bruiser went past the camara in daylight!
I'm thinkin of going down on Wednesday this week. It'll be the last time I'll be able to for a while.
And how was your week?