I was kind of in the same boat a while back, and here was my solution- I bought a 16 foot Old Town two seater kayak. You sit much lower then a canoe. It is comfortable, roomy, and a lot more stable then a canoe. Less effected by wind, and easier to paddle. I had some pretty big bodies of water to cross sometimes, so I rigged it with an electric motor. I attached a 2x4 across the stern with a couple c-clamps, then used it as a bracket to attach an electric trolling motor on the left side. Used a full size marine deep cycle battery, usually in the bow for balance. At full power, that kayak seems like its about to go on plane. The system works well, and might be adaptable to a canoe, provided it didn't make it to "tippy". If you have a square stern, then just clamp it there, and run a full size deep cycle batty in the bow.