TM says almost directly above in post #274;
What you as a holocaust monopoly promoter and a co-religionist refuse to understand, and attempt to block others from understanding, is that of the 60 million souls lost in ww2 __99.3% of the deaths were NOT jews...! Yet you claim from some chosenist god sent messenger to continue the promotion that the only deaths of the ww2 atrocity worth anything is the inflated number of jews unfortunately killed,,,and this number in all likelyhood is fraudently derived.....this is some kind of anti-gentile 'blood libel' of the first order..!
This is silly and blasphemous, as well as apostasy....anti-christian,,,and a blood libel against Christians and greater humanity, and all to produce some lunatic theft of land from Palestinians and furtherance of the NWOdor. LOL with is project...people are figuring this crap out.
I say;
Let's see now, holocaust monopoly promoter, co-religionist, chosenist god sent messenger, anti-gentile, silly, blasphemous, apostasy, anti-Christian, ....and not only that, but I am accused of promoting a.. " 'blood libel' against Christians and greater humanity".
By the measure of your name-calling here, I would sure hope you are not one who would be so hypocritical as to complain about others name-calling on you !
...And I sure hope Sarah gave you permission to use her recent term "blood libel'..
Now let's see; since I am a gentile and a Christian..and you accuse me of being anti-gentile as well as anti-Christian..that must put me in league with the Jihadist suicide bombers... Do I get 72 virgins ?