Author Topic: mangled sabots recovered  (Read 1165 times)

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mangled sabots recovered
« on: October 23, 2010, 02:56:34 AM »
Using old green Knight sabots and 240 gr XTP's from an H&R Huntsman.

Accuracy has been abysmal (all over and sometimes not even touching a 2'x3' target at 100yards), and during my walks to and from the target, I have recovered the sabots, some pieces, missing petals, twisted up and mangled.

I'm assuming that this and the accuracy issues are hand in hand.

I'm working up a new load with Triple 7.   Am I pushing it too hard?  Does this cause the sabot damage?

Offline hillbill

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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2010, 03:44:46 AM »
im useing that same bullet with a tc green mag express sabot in a couple inlines and when i find the sabots they look like they could be used again for a couple more useing 100 grns of black or 2 777 pellets.whats your powder load?do the sabot/bullet combo slide down the barrel easily?even with a heavier load i dont see it mangleing the sabot in my guns. very odd, be interesting to find out whats causeing your problem.

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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2010, 09:57:24 AM »
Are you getting the sabot all the way down on the powder?
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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 10:09:29 AM »
Using old green Knight sabots and 240 gr XTP's from an H&R Huntsman.

Accuracy has been abysmal (all over and sometimes not even touching a 2'x3' target at 100yards), and during my walks to and from the target, I have recovered the sabots, some pieces, missing petals, twisted up and mangled.

I'm assuming that this and the accuracy issues are hand in hand.

I'm working up a new load with Triple 7.   Am I pushing it too hard?  Does this cause the sabot damage?

You are probably having a couple issues. First, you are probably experiencing the dreaded Triple Se7en 'crud ring'. This is a crusty ring right where the powder and bullet/sabot meet. To best combat the crud, you need to swab the bore clean between every shot, or you will never get any accuracy. This also causes the sabot problems.

Secondly, you could be experiencing problems with barrel heat. This will also be compounded with the 'crud ring'. You can combat this by swabbing the bore clean between shots, and giving it time to cool.

The old Knight sabots are not the best option in any of my 3 H&R/NEF Huntsmans and Sidekicks. The Harvester Crush Rib works much better in my rifles.

Another tip I would give you is the 300 gr bullets are generally much better shooters thatn the lighter ones, but your issue is likely one or both of the above.

My Huntsman is my favorite, and shoots just about everything out there. Visit the H&R/NEF Huntsman/Sidekick Forum for several range reports, and good bullet/sabot options
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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 07:10:05 PM »
There's one more thing you might consider and that is either picking up a bunch of conicals which seal tightly to the bore and shoot them out, or use an approved barrel lapping compound to remove burrs in your bore.  Some might be very small, but when you buy a new gun and are only shooting plastic over the burrs and sharp rifling, it takes a lot to smooth them down.  ;)
Tacklebury --}>>>>>    Multi-Barrel: .223 Superlite, 7mm-08 22", .30-40 Krag M158, .357 Maximum 16-1/4 HB, .45 Colt, .45-70 22" irons, 32" .45-70 Peeps, 12 Ga. 3-1/2 w/ Chokes, .410 Smooth slugger, .45 Cal Muzzy, .50 Cal Muzzy, .58 Cal Muzzy

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Re: mangled sabots recovered-resolution
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2010, 09:54:43 AM »
Yes, I am fully seating the bullets/sabots.

I was pushing 90 and 85gr of 7^3 and I think for my gun it was a wee bit much.

At 70 gr the shooting was a lot more predictable, with a clean bore shot coming out fine, and subsequent "swab & load" shots coming out 3-4" lower.  But consistent.  Sabots recovered were in full blossom mode, with minor scorching on the base.

Seems kind of light for a load, even with that hopped up 777 stuff, but as long as it keeps the hunk of copper and lead firing like it is, I'll stick with it.

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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2010, 09:56:14 AM »
There's one more thing you might consider and that is either picking up a bunch of conicals which seal tightly to the bore and shoot them out, or use an approved barrel lapping compound to remove burrs in your bore.  Some might be very small, but when you buy a new gun and are only shooting plastic over the burrs and sharp rifling, it takes a lot to smooth them down.  ;)

my days of buying stuff are done for a while, need to stick with what I got till Obama turns the economy around. (good joke there, eh?)

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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2010, 03:25:08 AM »
Are you shooting fast with out letting the barrel cool, that will soften the sabots to the point that they blow and look like twisted melted plastic. 
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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2010, 08:19:50 AM »
Those green sabots were made before triple 7 was put on the market. The property of the plastic used in those sabots were not made to stand up to the pressure generated by said triple 7 substitute. BP and pyrodex yes but all others no. Switch to a more up-to-date sabot, drop your charge as suggested or switch back to bp/pyrodex.

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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2010, 01:40:57 PM »
Did you know that Hornady 240 grain XTP's come in both .430" (44 cal.), and .452" (.45 cal.). Are you possibly using a sabot made for a .452 bullet, with a .430 bullet, or vice-versa? This could possibly cause what you describe.   ???

Offline hillbill

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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2010, 03:58:10 PM »
Did you know that Hornady 240 grain XTP's come in both .430" (44 cal.), and .452" (.45 cal.). Are you possibly using a sabot made for a .452 bullet, with a .430 bullet, or vice-versa? This could possibly cause what you describe.   ???
ive tried the 452 bullets ,45 cal, in the sabots made for 44 bullets and they are hard to get down the barrel and accuracy is crap.

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Re: mangled sabots recovered
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2010, 01:20:16 AM »
Just to bring closure from my end, I dropped the charge and ultimately settled on 76gr loose.

Shot a big doe at 130 yards Friday before last, with the .430 Hornady XTP (I use these same bullets for reloading my 44 mag, so I'm sure)