Theologoical differences are just that, theological differences...and I am comfortable with my positions, even though they may differ from yours.
When I post about Islamic acts of terror they are almost invariably documented by worldwide news services, even though it may be painful to some of them to do so...but there is no LOGICAL way to deny so many overt acts of terrorism.
Of course, most real Bible scholars and universities dedicated to study of the Bible and Biblical history, do not believe that the Jews are living on stolen land; as a matter of fact they almost universally refer to Israel as the "Jewish homeland". Now, you can differ with these universities and that is your perogative, but you will be in slim company.
As far as "Abrahamic religion', I really don't endorse such a term..either part of the term. Many things are done in the name of "religion", many erroneous things included. Abraham was a great man and did many great things...along with a couple dumb things, such as disobeying God and fooling around with an Egyptian servant girl.
If somebody has a "religion" centered upon Abraham, they have misplaced their loyalties (see commandment #1).
Our first faith should be directed toward God..and Jesus, the second part of the Godhead. Yes, the Jews have not yet all accepted Jesus, but more are converting each day. I don't see much of that among Muslims; perhaps because Christianity is a natural continuity of Judaism, while Islam is a very foreign concept to both Judaism and Christianity.
Jesus said, "you shall know them by their fruits"... I don't see Jews or Christians running around doing stupidcide bombings, beheadings, "honor" killings, issuing 'fatwahs' against cartoonists or film producers...even though some may deserve it.
Somehow in this day and age, Jews and Christians generally do a better job of controlling their passions and hate..a hatred from about 4,000 years ago.
In any case, you're entitled to your opinion the fact that we rarely agree should not cause you undue's all OPINION in the final analysis; nothing to get 'worked up' about !