I believe the biggest threat to our sovereignty in the USA is Immigration, and the biggest friend of Immigration, both legal and illegal is the US Congress.People like Pat Buchanan Roy Beck and others have tried to warn us of this problem for years, but the Communist press has labeled people like him as being Racist, and Isolationists, and the American voter has listened to them and voted accordingly.Electing and re-electing people like Harry Reid, John McCain, Bo (Obama), GW Bush, Bill Clinton and others that close their eyes to the problem.To them it's not a problem! They see themselves as above the rest of us, and after all......The main objective for them, is to bring us down to a third word status. (IT"S WORKING TOO)
Roy Beck, of Numbers USA.Org, has been trying to educate voters about this huge problem facing us, and If you want to take the time to see just how simple this can be explained, watch this you tube video. B.G.