My grandmother, who taught my mother, was from Hungary, did it this way. Take your head of cabbage, and dip it in boiling water,(you'll need a big pot if you do it this way). As the leaves heat up, you peel them off, and their extremely loose,(flexible,pliable?). Can't remember my grandmothers/mother's exact mixture, but I have a big bowl of ground up sausage and hamburger/beef,(I use 5lbs of each), add a couple cups of rice. I put in some seasoning and mix it up.(Do this first before boiling the cabbage) I cut up a couple onions, add some of my homemade salsa if it seems to dry.
Now, as the leaves are hot and flexible, put a handful of the meat in and roll them up. Fold the ends to keep them from falling apart. Layer them in the roaster, and I put some tomato juice in between the layers. When the roaster is full, in the oven for 3 to 4 hrs at 325/350.
We'll eat some that day, and the rest, I'll put into gal. freezer bags, enough for my wife and I to have a meal.
That's alot of work, and last year, and probably next week, when I do it for this year, I changed it just alittle. Now, instead of wrapping up all those little ''pigs'', I layer it in the roaster, like lasagna. I put some tomato juice on the bottom, layer of cabbage, then meat, and so on. It's not quite as traditional, but taste's the same. gypsyman