Author Topic: Looking into an in-line  (Read 504 times)

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Offline RustyJr

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Looking into an in-line
« on: November 27, 2010, 04:21:39 PM »
I looking into purchasing an in-line muzzleloader. Im leaning towards a T/C Omega or Triumph but I am not sure which would be better. If anyone has a suggestion as to another brand that might be better I would be open to it.


Offline Thebear_78

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Re: Looking into an in-line
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2010, 05:46:21 PM »
I really recomend the encore, I have been extremely pleased with mine and it is very versatile with the adition of centerfire, rimfire and shotgun barrels

Offline bubba

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Re: Looking into an in-line
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2010, 05:16:01 AM »
unless you intend to utilize the encore for its several purposes, purchasing one just for a ml is pricy.  I have owned both the omega and triumph. I liked the triumph better due to it being easier to prime that the omega due to the hinge opening verses the drop breech. If you are caught up in the easy remove breech plug rather than using a socket, then the triumph is good. However it is almost as expensive as the encore. I would recommend you take a good look at the new impact.  I purchased one a month ago for 250 brand new. Same t/c warranty and it shoots as well as my encore triumph or omega or encore ever did. In fact is shoots better than the omega ever could.  I would recommend it to anyone. it also has an adjustable stock to allow for a shorter LOP.  I shoot 90 grains of blackhorn 209 and a 250 grain round nose lead bullet in a harvestor crush rib sabot. it shoots clover leaf groups at 100 yards.  I guess what I am saying there is no one model better than the others. it is all in what you plan to do with it, and what options you want as well as how much do you want to spend. 
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Re: Looking into an in-line
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2010, 01:57:27 PM »
I have a encore 209x50 that i have had since they came out and it is a awsome rifle,shoots better than most of my hi powered rifles.  I just bought one of the triumps a couple of weeks ago and it shoots just like my encore and i use the same load for each of them.

I would suggest that you handle all of them and see which one fits you the best. Whichever one you choose will shoot great providing you try differant loads and see what it likes.

I would not look at any other muzzleloader than a Thompson Center myself, but thats why they make other brands.To each there own.

Good Luck