Hello jimbob, I think I'm the one Tim is talking about. I had one of the pins on my first Handi that was so loose it would drift out on it's own after a few firings.
What I done was, I pushed the pin out with a drift punch of the proper size and left the punch in the frame to hold things in place. I degreased the pin and the left side hole in the frame by backing out the punch just enough to get to it. I then inserted the pin from the left side of the frame and pushed it in until it was ready to start into the right side of the frame. I then degreased the right side frame hole and put some red Loc-Tite in the hole. I also put some red Loc-tite one the splines of the pin on the left side and then pushed the pin into place. I let the gun set for at least 24 hours and then shot it for several days and the pin never moved. I posted about this and someone mentioned that while the gun was still under warranty I might want to give H&R a call. I thought about it and decided to give them a call and see what they said. I talked to Gordon, I'm pretty sure that was his name at Gardner, and told him about the pin and what I had done. He asked me if it was holding and I told him it hadn't budged after several range sessions and that I though it would be fine. He then said, "You know, I hate the thought of one of my guns being held together with Loc-Tite". He sent me a free return shipping label and I had to send my complete gun back incase they needed to fit my barrel to a new frame. When UPS brought my gun back to me it contained a new frame!