Why would I do research on your "Cat Tails"?
Possibly to learn the truth? Oh hell, what am I thinking. You don't care about the truth, just puffing yourself up and proclaiming that you know "things" and us dummies East of the Mississippi don't know anything. Whatever floats your boat. But, in case you are interested, you might check the following:
From a USA Today article dated 11/30/2004:
"In Illinois, a train killed a male cougar on July 15, 2000, in Randolph County, near the Mississippi River, about 70 miles south of St. Louis. It was that state's first documented wild cougar in more than 135 years"
From the Evansville Courier Press dated 11/15/2009:
"Three Illinois mountain lions have met their demise through auto and train hits."
There was also one shot by Chicago Police that dna confirmed came from a South Dakota population (I tried to copy the pic, but it didn't "take").
There should be road kills reported once in a while.
Ooops. See above.