Is is ethically right to tax a person making $250,000 at 38% and a person making $10,000 at 15%? Why try to improve your self? Why try to get and education or a job making more money if they are going to take more? I've known a lot of people turn down promotions, because the higher tax rate would make them take home less money. Is this right? I believe in a flat tax with no deductions. I also believe in a VAT tax on goods and services. The poor would pay much less because they don't buy expensive new cars, homes or boats. Rich would pay more, but it would be on what they want. America used to be the land of opportunity, but if you keep taxing the rich, they will leave the country. I know of two doctors who are getting out of the practice and moving to another country since they can make more money and have less paperwork because of the health care bill. Some are going to retire early.
I also think most poor are poor because they want to be. They want the government handouts. They drop out of school, do drugs, have babies, party. They don't want to get serious about improving their situation. I've seen it first hand. I work for a utility company. In the poor areas, 85% of the bills go to women, because if the woman has children and is not married, she gets assistance for housing, food stamps, lunches for her kids at school free, and utility bills paid for. When a service man goes to their homes to repair something, there is almost always a man living there. In the middle and upper class neighborhoods 85% of the bills go to men. I worked at a grocery store and my kids have worked at them and you see people pay for their groceries with food stamps and get in Lincolns and Caddies all the time. Help for the poor should be a hand up not a hand out.
I showed my kids a spreadsheet I made. It showed at today's minimum wage, if you saved 10% of your income for 30 years, in a plain passbook savings account, you would be a millionair with compounded interest. Being frugal, hard working, and getting an education isn't that hard for the young. They just don't have good role models protrayed today on TV and in schools.