A friend called my yesterday, telling me they were selling H&Rs for 159.00. I was a bit suspect, but he said he held one last night. I told him I wanted at least 3. Well, the guy at the counter gave him the price on that other brand, you know, and I told him that I would pass, and he should too. He went back today, and did bring home the H&R in 223. We cleaned it, polished it, and checked it over, and after 15 rounds it settled right in, and was shooting 1/2 inch groups at 50 yds. He is going to shoot it some more tomm. and we both feel that it will do about the same at 100, in time. That is with the white box Win. from Wally World. Oh, this was with a 2008 rifle. I was suprised that the trigger broke like glass too. From his expression, he was happy with it, and am sure his daughter will be to since it is for her. I have a feeling he will have to have his own soon.