Author Topic: Wisconsin Outdoor Report December 23, 2010  (Read 407 times)

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Wisconsin Outdoor Report December 23, 2010
« on: December 23, 2010, 10:51:29 AM »
Most of Wisconsin received addition snowfall in the last week, ranging from about 4 to 8 inches of addition snow, with once again the snow missing the far southeaster portion of the state. Snow depths currently range from about 4 to 6 inches across the south – except the far southeast that has only a couple of inches – to 12 to 18 inches across most of central and northern Wisconsin.

Snowmobile trails are now open in all but a handful of counties – mostly in southeastern Wisconsin but also in Douglas County where snowmobile clubs are still working to clear debris from trails due to the heavy snowfalls, according to the Department of Tourism Snow Conditions Report (exit DNR). Trail conditions range from fair to excellent, with the warm temperatures of the last few days causing conditions to deteriorate some. Cross-country ski trail conditions generally are good to excellent across the state, even in the Southern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest, where crews were able to groom trails after receiving a couple more inches of snow this week. The Lapham Peak unit is also reporting good conditions, especially on the section with snow making equipment.

Ice depths continue to be real variable and have ranged from 5 to 10 inches in thickness on northern lakes, to just a couple of inches on some southern lakes. The recent snowfall has also caused quite a bit of slush to form. Some anglers have begun to drive ATVs and snowmobiles on northern lakes -- but recreational safety specialists are still urging extreme caution. Lake ice cover can be very irregular with a solid 10 inches in some areas and only 5 inches of ice just a few hundred yards away. In addition, slush add a lot of weight to the top of the ice and softens the ice underneath.

Ice fishing success has been generally fair. Walleye were being caught on stained lakes and flowages in the north, with the best success in late afternoon, with small to medium suckers fished in the 5 to 12 feet. Panfish action has been consistent, with some good catches of crappie, perch and bluegill reported. The Mississippi River has been unusually high for early winter and many back water sloughs have moderate current flowing under the ice, creating dangerous conditions that can change rapidly. Ice fishing has been pretty good for panfish with bluegill, crappie and perch all being caught. Lake Michigan tributaries are freezing over, and fishing efforts has dropped dramatically but a few hearty angles are still open water fishing in the lower stretches of the Menomonee and Root rivers.

Gun deer hunters have their final opportunity to harvest a deer during a holiday gun deer hunt that will be held in the chronic wasting disease management zone from Dec. 24 to Jan. 9 with earn-a-buck rules in place. Archery hunters are reminded they must wear blaze orange clothing during this time in this zone.

Many of the state's Christmas Bird Counts were conducted in the last week. So far not many results have been reported. The large amounts of snow and cold have probably reduced overall number of species as not many birds that are averse to cold are lingering. Bohemian waxwings are showing up in central and southwestern Wisconsin outside of their usual northern Wisconsin wintering areas. Northern counts were finding decent numbers of winter birds including redpolls, pine grosbeaks, pine siskins and crossbills. Lake Michigan birders have reported good numbers of the arctic gulls, wintering scoters and long-tailed ducks.

A three-minute audio version of this report can be heard by calling (608) 266 2277.

A new report is put on the line each week.


Statewide Birding Report

Many of the state's Christmas Bird Counts were conducted in the last week. So far not many results have been posted on wisbird website but here are some generalizations: The large amounts of snow and cold have probably reduced overall species richness on the counts as not many birds that are cold averse are lingering. Overall numbers of ducks and geese are probably also down due to the ice amounts on lakes and rivers and high snow totals. This appears to be a good year for Bohemian waxwings as they are showing up in central and southwestern Wisconsin outside of their usual northern Wisconsin wintering areas. Northern counts are finding decent numbers of winter irruptive birds including redpolls, pine grosbeaks, pine siskins and both species of crossbill. It appears to be a poor year for Snowy Owls. A golden-crowned sparrow showed up at the Eagle Optics feeders (how appropriate!) in Middleton. This is believed to be only the sixth state record and first since 1993. A few wintering Harris' sparrows have been seen as well as a number of "Oregon" slate-colored juncoes (western subspecies). Varied thrush have been reported in three counties and a few Townsend's solitaires have been reported, including the typical location at Devil's Lake State Park. Lake Michigan birders have been reporting good numbers of the arctic gulls, wintering scoters and long-tailed ducks and a Barrow's goldeneye in Sheboygan. A slaty-backed gull was again found at the landfill in Superior. This is a Siberian species that is starting to become more common in North America.

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Superior DNR Service Center area

Brule River State Forest – The After Hours Cross-Country Ski Trail was groomed and tracked Dec. 22 and is in good to very good condition. It is soft but should harden up overnight. The snow is clinging to the trees and branches, it is absolutely a beautiful time to be out on the trails.

Park Falls DNR Service Center area

This 25-inch walleye was caught and released in the last week on a stained lake in Price County. .
Skip Sommerfeldt Photo
Upper Chippewa Basin fisheries report (Price, Rusk, Sawyer Taylor and inland Ashland and Iron counties) - Ice depths in the Upper Chippewa Basin continue to be real variable and have ranged from 5 to 10 inches in thickness. Recent heavy snowfall has also caused quite a bit of slush to form and this is limiting access and travel across the ice. Some anglers have begun to drive ATVs and snowmobiles on a few local lakes - but extreme caution is still urged. Lake ice cover can be very irregular with a solid 10 inches in some areas and only 5 inches of ice just a few hundred yards away. In addition, slush conditions add a lot of weight to the top of the ice and even softens the ice underneath the slush. This results in a weaker ice cover and less weight-holding capability. Ice fishing success has been generally fair in the Upper Chippewa Basin in the last week. Walleye and panfish have been the main species of interest and action has been quite variable on a day to day basis. For walleye in the stained lakes and flowages, the best success has come in the late afternoon hours, with small to medium suckers fished on tip-ups in the 5' to 12 foot depths. The mud flats and weed edges at the 5- to 8-foot depths have produced fair numbers of walleye in the 12- to 15-inch size, and the deeper break lines and rock bars edges at the 8- to 12-foot depth have produced a few walleye up into the 20-inch size. For clear-water lakes, the best action has occurred at dusk and just after dark, and at a little deeper depths than the stained lakes. Panfish action has been a little more consistent than walleye success, as some good catches of crappie, perch and bluegill have been made. Perch are being caught on waxworms and small minnows, and have been found at a variety of depths (from as shallow as 4 feet and out to 20-plus-feet of water). Some nice crappie and bluegill have been found suspended just off the bottom in 15 to 24 feet of water, with waxworms and small minnows producing some decent action.

Flambeau River State Forest – The Flambeau Hills ski trail received 8-plus inches of new snow this week. The trail was packed Dec. 22, but warm temps prevented trail grooming to be completed. The entire trail is tracked and in good condition, Skate is only fair. Grooming will resume Thursday, if temps permit.

Woodruff DNR Service Center area

Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest – Cross-country ski trails are groomed and in good to very good condition. Escanaba Trail received about 6 inches of fluffy snow early this week. The track is in good condition with all loops groomed and tracked. There is 12-14 inches of undisturbed snow in the woods. The conditions would be very good but there are still a few thin spots under the pines. This is a welcome snow fall as it should result in better conditions for skiers across the area. Madeline and Raven traisl had all loops leveled and tracked Dec. 21 and are in very good condition. McNaughton trail was packed and leveled Dec. 21. Skaters loop groomed. All other loops tracked. Very good conditions. There is a section of the Skaters (red) loop from the parking lot to the first intersection which is closed due to timber sale activity. The rest of the skaters loop may be accessed from the classical loops or an alternate parking area at the McNaughton lake boat landing which will be kept plowed for this reason.

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Sturgeon Bay DNR Service Center area

Peninsula State Park - Due to blowing and drifting the snow depth in the park ranges from zero to 14 inches. Cross-Country Ski Trails are in good condition with thin spots and forest debris. Trails are being groomed today. The best conditions are at Lot 5 (yellow, orange and red loops). State trail passes are required for all skiers age 16 and older. The sledding/tubing hill is closed. We hope to open the hill on Dec. 24 at noon. Please call before coming to the park for sledding. Snowmobile trails are closed.

Whitefish Dunes State Park - Cross-country ski trails were groomed Monday, Dec. 13. Trails were rolled and tracked. Approximately average snow depth of 10 inches. After grooming, the trails were still quite soft, but should firm up with the cold weather. Tracks are at full depth and mostly free of woods debris with the exception of the old growth areas of the Green trail on the north side of county WD. There are only a couple of small areas that are wind blown and have minimal snow.

Wautoma DNR Service Center area

Hartman Creek State Park - The park received about 16 inches of snow over the last week. Warmer temperatures have melted some of the snow. Cross-country ski trails are in good to very good condition as of Dec. 22. Trails will be tracked and groomed again by the afternoon of Thursday, Dec. 23. Please call ahead to check for condition updates; (715) 258-2372.

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Havenwoods State Forest - Trails have 2 to 3 inches of snow. Deer, squirrels, raccoon, turkeys, red-tailed hawks, cooper's hawk, owls, mourning doves, nuthatch, juncos, chickadees, downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpecker, and bluebirds have been seen.

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Lapham Peak Unit – The cross-country ski trails received another half inch or so of snow Dec. 22. This was all packed down and worked into the existing snow on all the trails. The track on the man made loop was left in place and a shallow track was set on the rest of the trail system. Most of the icy areas and thin areas are now covered with snow. No lights: Dec. 24, 25, 31 or Jan. 1. Otherwise lights on Monday thru Saturday until 10 p.m.

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit - All ski trails have been recently groomed & tracked, and the recent snows have left the trails in good condition. The Greenbush Trail System is in excellent condition with Brown/Red/Purple/Green and beginner Trails groomed and tracked. There is a 6 to 8-inch hard packed base. Crews are still recovering from the storm damage and are currently working on the Classic Trail and Pink loop. The trail system should be in excellent condition through the holidays. The Zillmer trail received 1-2 inches of heavy wet snow Dec. 21. It was rolled to knock down the new snow, too wet to do anything else. Crews plan on grooming Wednesday night or Thursday morning after some cooler temperatures arrive. Grooming operations are suspended when temperatures are above freezing. All snowmobile trails within the forest are open. For the latest conditions, please check each county's snowmobile trail website: Fond du Lac County: []; Sheboygan County: []; Washington County: [].

Kettle Moraine State Park - Pike Lake Unit - Cross country ski trails were groomed and tracked on Wednesday, Dec. 22 and are in good condition. Trail passes are not required for cross country skiers at Pike Lake this winter. When trails are snow covered hikers, snowshoers, and dogs are not allowed on trails east of Powder Hill Road (groomed ski trails). Pets are not allowed on the Black Forest Nature Trail and must be on a leash 8' or less at all times in other areas. The forest will begin a one-year pilot project on its trail system this winter to target the various needs of hikers, snowshoe enthusiasts and cross-country skiers. Hiking and snowshoeing will be allowed on the Ice Age Trail and other trails west of Powder Hill Road. East of Powder Hill Road, trails will be groomed exclusively for cross-country skiing and hiking and snowshoeing will not be allowed on the trails. The Ice Age Trail between Powder Hill Road and Highway CC will be moved slightly south of the existing trail. The changes were recommended by the public during the development of the property’s master plan.

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Southern Unit - The Southern Unit received 2 inches of new snow on Monday night. All three cross-county ski trail systems, Scuppernong, McMiller, Nordic are snow covered have been groomed. With the warm temps the snow remains a little soft but will get packed down with use. Scuppernong has a double track set which is generally good for the warm temps - but a little thin in the pines. Nordic skate lanes are in fair condition and a track is set on the south loops (brown, white, purple) as well as the green loop. As with Scuppernong the track is shallow in the pines. McMiller skate lanes are in fair condition. No classic track has been set yet.

Lake Michigan fisheries team report

Ozaukee County - In Port Washington, the area near the power plant discharge provides good winter open water fishing opportunities. Brown trout and steelhead can usually be found there this time of year.

Milwaukee County - Milwaukee area tributaries are freezing over, but open water fishing can be found in the lower stretches of the Menomonee River and canals. The Milwaukee River mouth and harbor are ice covered and unfishable, and Riverfront Ramp is not usable.

Racine County - On the Root River in Racine open water can still be found from the Horlick dam through Quarry Lake Park. The water has been very clear with temperatures around 33 degrees. Fishing effort has dropped dramatically, but those anglers who are out have been successful at times. Most fish have been caught on small brown and orange flies. Some anglers have been ice fishing on the Root near the 6th Street and Marquette Street bridges as well as in the Racine harbor. Use extra caution, as conditions can change quickly. Fishing has been relatively slow in the harbor, but some steelhead have been caught further upriver on spawn set close to the bottom.

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Dodgeville DNR Service Center area

Wyalusing State Park - With the recent snowfalls, the park has been transformed into a true Winter Wonderland. In many areas, the snow is still hanging on the tree branches. The drive to the park up County Highway C is especially beautiful with the snow laden trees and the snow covered rocks along the road. The park has at least a foot of snow on the ground and walking through the deep snow is difficult. All trails are snow covered. Snow shoes are recommended. Cross-country ski trails have been packed somewhat with the snowmobile, but have not been “groomed” or tracked yet. People have been fishing off the backwaters of the Mississippi River at the park boat landing. Park bird feeders have been a popular place for the winter resident birds. The backdrop of snow laden trees with a sprinkling of beautiful red cardinals provides the perfect setting for a winter postcard. Other birds taking advantage of the bird feeders include: blue jays, juncos, chickadees, nuthatches, red-bellied woodpeckers, purple finches, nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers and gold finches. A sharp-shinned or cooper’s hawk has been frequenting the park office feeders on a regular basis. The Friends of Wyalusing January meeting will take place on Jan. 15 at 3 p.m. at the Bagley Community Center. It is also the Annual Holiday Party for staff and the Friends of Wyalusing State Park. For more info on the party, please call Bev at 996-2261. Due to permanent staff vacancies, state mandated furlough days and the holidays, the park will not be staffed on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Dec. 24 through 27. The park is open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Roadways will not be maintained on the above mentioned dates. Admission stickers can be purchased through self-registration which is located near the front door of the office under the overhang.

Blue Mound State Park - All cross-country ski trails were groomed and a classical track set Dec. 22. Pole plants may be soft in spots, but overall very good conditions.

Horicon DNR Service Center area

Dodge County - Zones 2, 3 and 4 of the Dodge County Snowmobile Trail System are now closed due to deteriorated snow conditions. Zone 2 trails are in the northeast portion of the County and include trails in the Mayville, Leroy, Lomira and Theresa areas. Zones 3 and 4 basically cover the entire southern half of the County except for trails in the extreme south west part of the County between Reeseville and Waterloo area. Zones 1 & 5 of the Dodge County Snowmobile Trail System remain open as of Dec. 22. However, there is a need to close about 5 miles of trail around the City of Juneau that is part of the boundary of Zone 1. This closed trail runs from the community of Oak Grove at Hwy A to corridor 9 trail east of Juneau and then follows the Juneau bypass trail to the Wild Goose Trail north of Juneau around St. Ann Road.

Fitchburg DNR Service Center area

Devil’s Lake State Park - There is plenty of snow! Almost a foot of snow fell on Dec. 11, and a few inches of snow and layers of freezing drizzle came on Dec. 21. Cross-country ski trails were groomed on Dec. 21. The lake is frozen over, but the park will not vouch for the ice thickness or safety, as conditions can vary from day-to-day and place-to-place. Hiking trails are snow-covered and icy. They are not officially closed to use, but the park cannot maintain the trails for safe winter use. You may walk the trails if you choose to – at your own risk. Hiking and snowshoeing is not allowed on the groomed cross-country ski trails.

Mirror Lake State Park – Cross-country ski trails are groomed and in very good to excellent condition with a 6 - 9 inch base. Trails are groomed for skate and classical skiing. Remember, pets and hiking on groomed ski trails is prohibited. Trails open for snowshoeing and hiking include Echo Rock, Lake View, Sandstone and Wild Rice. The next candle light ski/hike/snowshoe event will be held on January 8. Campsites in Sandstone Campground remain open for winter camping.

Janesville DNR Service Center area

Rock County - Ice conditions have been improving on area lakes, but there are still areas that have dangerous conditions. Anglers have been driving ATVs and snowmobiles on Lake Koshkonong, but some seams have opened up on parts of lake causing the ice to be weak in spots. Fishing on Koshkonong has been slow, so far this winter with most anglers reporting limited success on walleye and northern pike. Storrs Lake has been producing some panfish, but success has also been limited there for northern pike and bass. The snowmobile trails are still open, but have deteriorated over the last week with the limited snowfall. Snow this week should help trail conditions. Snowmobilers should contact the Rock County Snowmobile trail hotline at 608-757-5458 to check on trail conditions. Gun deer hunters have another opportunity starting on Christmas Eve day to harvest a deer. Earn-a-buck rules are in effect for the upcoming holiday gun deer hunt that runs from Dec. 24 to Jan. 9.

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Baldwin DNR Service Center area

Willow River State Park - Willow River took a direct hit on some big snow. So many times it’s been a direct miss. Park staff had to dig their way in on Sunday morning even in a high clearance pickup. Trail grooming began Sunday afternoon with snowmobiles out packing down the 15-plus inches of snow. All trails except the Red Prairie loop were groomed and tracked Dec. 21. Trumpeter swans are once again winter residents. Most likely we "share" some of these with the city of Hudson. You would need to ski in to see the birds here, but you can walk to see them in Hudson's Lakefront area. The park office is closed Dec. 24 and 25.

La Crosse DNR Service Center area

Perrot State Park - The cross-country ski trails are in very good condition. All of the trails have been groomed and tracked. The skate lane in the campground has been groomed and is in very condition. Pets, hiking and snowshoeing are not allowed on groomed ski trails. Enjoy our other hiking trails. Trempealeau Bay is ice covered. Short sections of the Trempealeau River remain open due to the changing current.

Merrick State Park - The backwaters are ice covered and people have been ice fishing in the area. Parking areas have been plowed for ice fishing. If you are using a snowmobile or ATV you must launch at the boat landings.

Wildcat Mountain State Park – Cross-country ski trails were tracked Dec. 22 making for good classical skiing. Grooming for both skate skiing and classical will be done on Dec. 23. There is between 12 to 20 inches of snow with 4 inches of new snow.

Crawford County - The snowmobile trails in the county are open. Most if not all have been groomed and are in good shape. Local snowmobile clubs remind snowmobilers to stay on the marked trails. The Mississippi River has been slowly settling down since it approached the 12 foot mark 10 days ago. The river stage Monday was at 9.93 feet and falling. Ice conditions are pretty good even though caution must be used when traveling on the ice. With the Mississippi River being unusually high for early winter many back water sloughs have moderate current flowing under the ice. The current creates dangerous conditions which can change rapidly. Generally speaking there averages around 2 to 10 inches of ice in the backwaters of the Mississippi River and Wisconsin River. Access to most ice fishing locations is much better now that cold weather froze the “sloppy” spots and the river levels are dropping. Ice fishing has been pretty good. Bluegill/crappie/perch fishing has been spotty on some days but very good on others. In the Prairie du Chien area nice sized bluegills were being caught on Gremore Lake along with some really nice perch. Ice conditions on Gremore Lake are pretty good with almost a foot of ice. Anglers have been venturing across the Ambro Slough to Mud Slough and Tilmont Lake. This past week Mud Slough action has been slow as there appears to be some current flowing through it. Tilmont Lake has produced a few bluegills and perch however it is kind of slow. Those venturing out to Tilmont Lake should use caution as they cross over the Black Slough as swift current exists under the ice. Sturgeon Slough has been very slow primarily due to the high water. Current is flowing through that area which causes bluegills and crappie to avoid that area. No report available from McGregor Lake. Some anglers have been walking up to the Big/Little Missouri, Fish Lake, and the Upper and Lower Doubles. Action there has been spotting and ice conditions vary. Spring Lake and the Fennimore Cut have been really spotty. There might be current flowing through those areas too. Cold Spring has had some very good days followed by some very poor days. The primary access point to Cold Spring has been off the handicap access on the south end. Largemouth bass action has been good. Most bluegill anglers report catching many bass incidental to their primary target. . Ice conditions are very poor for fishing walleye through the ice. Northern pike action has been spotty. Most northerns have been taken incidentally to other fishing. Rabbit and coyote hunters are finding hunting conditions pretty good. Deep snow does hamper getting around. Not many squirrel hunters out and most of the squirrels have been hold up in their dens. Archery deer hunters are reporting decent activity by deer moving to and from bedding area and food sources. With all the snow and cold weather bird feeding enthusiast need to keep the bird feeders clean and full of food.

Black River Falls DNR Service Center area

Black River State Forest - This winter started out with a 19 inch snowfall. We added an additional inch or two on Monday night. It also drizzled on Tuesday. Snowmobile and All-terrain Vehicle trails are being groomed Dec. 22 and should be in good condition. We are still recommending that ATVs do not use the trail system for the time being. There are several areas of the trail that are quite deep due to drifting. If an ATV breaks through this, retrieving the machine may be extremely difficult. Once the trail base has hardened up, then ATVs should be fine. We also ask ATVs to stay off the trail whenever the temperatures are 32 or above. This protects the base for future use. Cross-country ski trails were being groomed Dec. 22 and should be in good shape for traditional and skating. With the heavy snow, we will not be grooming the Ridge Trail, as we would not be able to traverse the hills. Typically we groom the Ridge early in the year until additional snow and drifting make it impossible to traverse. Mother Nature took care of this early this year. We are not expecting any snow the next few days. The next grooming of the trails will likely occur on Tuesday. Monday the Dec. 27 is a State Furlough day. Skiers will notice that there has been a fair amount of timber sale activity along the trails this year. Snowshoers are welcome to enjoy their sport on any ungroomed trail in the state forest. We recommend people try either the nature trail at Castle Mound Campground, a two mile circular loop, or the five mile trail from Pigeon Creek to Smrekar road. This trail can be accessed by the Smrekar parking lot by hiking west on Smrekar road. The trail intersects the road just when the road takes a sharp 90 degree turn north. The trail continues west to Pigeon Creek Campground. Please note this trail is not a loop so you will need to turn around and retrace your steps at some point. If you are with a group, one option is to have at least one vehicle at Pigeon Creek and at least one at the Smrekar parking lot so you do not have to turn around. A few select campsites sites will be plowed at Castle Mound and Pigeon Creek this winter. All sites are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Eau Claire DNR Service Center area

Brunet Island State Park – The cross-country ski trail system has been packed and track has been set. With the recent snows we have a very nice base on the trails. Panfish action has been good in the north campground bays. Anglers are reporting generally good ice conditions in the backwater areas. The park does not monitor ice conditions. The Cornell flowage water levels fluctuate throughout the year and we urge caution when venturing onto the ice. Species of birds seen or heard include: ravens, black capped chickadees, northern juncos, piliated and red headed woodpeckers, great horned owls, barred owls, and bald eagles. There are some campsites open with electricity, hand water pump, and a pit toilet.

Red Cedar State Trail - One track for cross-country skiing has been laid; the snow is still soft. Crews will be working toward having the trail groomed for the upcoming weekend.

Hoffman Hills State Recreation Area - Cross-country ski trails have been groomed and packed, but not tracked.

Wisconsin Rapids DNR Service Center area

Buckhorn State Park - Ski trails are packed, tracked and are in excellent condition. Walking on trails when groomed is not allowed. Snowshoers must stay off to the side of trails and not on the groomed trails. Several campsites are open for winter camping. The park and wildlife areas are open to late bow deer season. The park office registers deer when the office is open. The "T intersection" gate and gates on 22nd Ave and 33rd are now closed - vehicles are not allowed on the closed portions of roads. Remember, we do not monitor ice conditions on the lake.

Roche-A-Cri State Park - The campground and main gate are now closed for the season. Parking is available at the winter lot on Czech Ave and that pit toilet is still open. Park stickers are required. Volunteers will be keeping the winter lot restroom open, plowing the parking lot, and ski grooming. As of Dec. 22 grooming has not been completed.

Last Revised: Thursday December 23 2010