Author Topic: .358 Win in M-48 Yugo?  (Read 1054 times)

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Offline lgm270

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.358 Win in M-48 Yugo?
« on: December 20, 2010, 09:23:24 AM »
Will the .358 Win feed in the M-48 Yugo Mauser?  I know the M-48 is shorter than the traditional M-98 and unsuitable for 30-06 length conversions, but longer than the .308 length rounds like the .358 Win.  With the slightly longer M-48 I could load bullets further out for longer OAL and greater powder capacity.  

How tough is it to convert an M-48 to take belted magnum rounds?  Anybody done this?   Thinking of the .350 Remington Magnum.  I read a story in Handloader 172 (Dec. 1994)  about a guy who made a .350 Rem on an '06 length Mauser so that he could seat the bullets further out for a longer OAL and more powder.  Said it shot like a champ and he got 2,600 fps with 250 grain .358" Nosler Partition out of a 20" barrel.  It was a Mark X action already set up for belted mags.

Which twist should I use?   1-12?  1-14?  1-16?  

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: .358 Win in M-48 Yugo?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2010, 10:51:16 AM »
358 in a Mauser 98 action is easy. Replace barrel with one for 358 Win
Yes, you can load a little longer or larger/ heavier bullets.
To make a 98 into taking the Winchester Belted mags(264, 300 Win 338Win 458 Win), Remington 7mm Mag, or weatherby standard lengths like 257 WBy or shorter cases like the remingtons 350 or 6.5 or the Marlin 450, the bolt face just needs to be opened the bolt face from .473 ro .530 change the barrel to coraspond to the bullet you want to launch and chamber for that round. You may have to modify the extractor claw a little but not much.  I don't think you should have to play with the magizine follower.

But with hand loads or european factory offerings 8X57 can almost equal 358 in bullet weight and I think speeds are greater.
Do not judge the 8X57 on the Remington factory load as it is made for the weakest of the guns chamered in it like the Mauser 88 or the older hunting rifles that were .318 rather then the .323 of today.  The Remington 170 grain load is very similar to 30-30 or 300 Savage rather than the 30-06 it is most often compared to.

Offline Harry Snippe

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Re: .358 Win in M-48 Yugo?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2010, 04:44:20 AM »
I too would not cut up a 48 Yugo unless the barrel was washed out .Other wise why cut up a good 8MM.
If the action was long enough I think I would check into the 35 Whelan which by the way- is close to the 350 Mag  Brass can be made up from the '06.Last I checked the brass it'self was a lot cheaper to buy also . I do not think you need to push the bullets into the case as with the 350 Mag. If going to all the pain to chamber this round , then maybe check out the 9.3X350 Wildcat also. I think your into a few bucks

You could also consider boring the barrel out to accept the 9.3 bullet and then have the 9.3x57 which is basicly the 8MM necked up to recieve the 9.3 bullet . You could then also resize 8 MM brass and not be far away from the 358 W in power.No other work except to the barrel .
Then you could buy a Marlin Xl7 series and just change out the barrel staying with the 06 parent case or the XS7 for the short action and swap the barrel for your 358W, if that is what your looking @ for less $$$.