Author Topic: B O S S  (Read 3084 times)

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Offline wgr

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« on: February 12, 2009, 05:47:19 PM »
anyone have experience with the boss system?if so whats your opinion of it .i just got hold of a mod70 with it on. in your opinion does it help are just look like crap thinks bill
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Offline charles p

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 04:35:51 PM »
The BOSS system in theory makes sense - until you examine the bench rest shooters and the 1000 yard shooters.  If it doesn't produce results for those who are searching for every bit of accuracy possible, I doubt it will be of significant benefit to you and me.  We are all entitled to opinions.  You just got mine for free.

Offline jgalar

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 05:13:52 PM »
A few years ago you couldn't pick up a gun magazine without the writers singing the praises of the BOSS system. From reading the articles one would assume that every rifle in the years to come would be equipped with them. Didn't happen. My guess is the shooters/gun owners who were not paid to sing the praises were not overly impressed with the performance to cost ratio. Also many may have not liked the looks.

That's why I don't read the gun magazines anymore. I got tired of the self proclaimed expert's BS.

I don't have any personal experience with the BOSS, but it is an interesting question. I also would like to hear from those with actual experience!

Offline wgr

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2009, 02:04:48 AM »
A few years ago you couldn't pick up a gun magazine without the writers singing the praises of the BOSS system. From reading the articles one would assume that every rifle in the years to come would be equipped with them. Didn't happen. My guess is the shooters/gun owners who were not paid to sing the praises were not overly impressed with the performance to cost ratio. Also many may have not liked the looks.

That's why I don't read the gun magazines anymore. I got tired of the self proclaimed expert's BS.

I don't have any personal experience with the BOSS, but it is an interesting question. I also would like to hear from those with actual experience!

[/qu     i might just take it off and put a break on it
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Offline epanzella

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2009, 02:22:09 AM »
anyone have experience with the boss system?if so whats your opinion of it .i just got hold of a mod70 with it on. in your opinion does it help are just look like crap thinks bill
My son had a BOSS on a mod 70 300 win mag. At 100 yds this gun would group from 3/8 inch  w/180's depending on the BOSS setting. He HATED the looks of it on his 26 inch barrel so he had it removed and the barrel shortened to 24. Now the gun won't shoot 180's under 2 inches but will still shoot 165's and 210's to under an inch (but not 3/8 like with the BOSS & 180's). So my opinion is the BOSS works great if barrel harmonics is your problem but it's not gonna fix a bad scope, bad bedding, bad crown, lousy barrel, ect. 

Offline Slowpoke Slim

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2009, 07:01:53 AM »
I have a mdl 70 in 338 win mag that came with a boss on it. It was the only wood stocked blued steel win I could find at the time I was looking for one. I didn't really "want" a brake'd gun. It shot my handloads into clover leaf patterns very consistently. I was very pleased with it from the bench as far as accuracy and low recoil. The muzzle blast was horrendous however, and after the very first hunt where I shot it in the field, I knew that sucker had to come off.

I diddled around with that non-brake version they came out with, basically it was the boss without holes in it for the brake. It was an accessory I bought after the fact to reduce the blast. My accuracy with that "CR" version of the boss was terrible with the same loads that shot great with the braked version. I decided enough was enough, and had it cut off.

Mine's cut off just at the start of the "index marks" on the muzzle and I had it recrowned. I also "spoiled" myself and had a Kick-Ease pad put on it at the same time (to replace the thin, hard rubber red pad that came on the gun).

It now is back to shooting clover leaf groups with the same original load that it shot with the braked boss, and with the soft pad on it, I really don't miss the brake at all.

I hate brakes.

Cut it off.


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Re: B O S S
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2009, 07:03:44 AM »
it loud !
good ammo or handloading can gain same result in many cases .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Skunk

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2009, 07:27:43 AM »
It's loud! Good ammo or handloading can gain same result in many cases.

I'm not sure if mine is loud or not - never shot it without some form of ear protection (that goes for hunting too). I like the B.O.S.S. on my M70, .270, Classic. The recoil is like being hit in the shoulder with a pillow, and it shoots 130 grain Rem CorLokts so well that I've never bothered loading for it. If I ever splurged for a Browning BAR Safari, I'd get one with the B.O.S.S.

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Offline epanzella

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2009, 07:04:46 AM »
I have a mdl 70 in 338 win mag that came with a boss on it. It was the only wood stocked blued steel win I could find at the time I was looking for one. I didn't really "want" a brake'd gun. It shot my handloads into clover leaf patterns very consistently. I was very pleased with it from the bench as far as accuracy and low recoil. The muzzle blast was horrendous however, and after the very first hunt where I shot it in the field, I knew that sucker had to come off.

I diddled around with that non-brake version they came out with, basically it was the boss without holes in it for the brake. It was an accessory I bought after the fact to reduce the blast. My accuracy with that "CR" version of the boss was terrible with the same loads that shot great with the braked version. I decided enough was enough, and had it cut off.

Mine's cut off just at the start of the "index marks" on the muzzle and I had it recrowned. I also "spoiled" myself and had a Kick-Ease pad put on it at the same time (to replace the thin, hard rubber red pad that came on the gun).

It now is back to shooting clover leaf groups with the same original load that it shot with the braked boss, and with the soft pad on it, I really don't miss the brake at all.

I hate brakes.

Cut it off.

My son's boss was also a brake. He ordered a new outside sleeve for it that has no holes so that the brake function is disabled. I don't know how well it works as by the time it arrived he had already cut the BOSS off. He gave the whole thing to me so I'm gonna try to find a smith to thread my Encore 30-06 barrel. 

Offline kix

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2009, 09:17:59 PM »
   I once dated a lady hunter that had a 1995 Mod. 70 30/06 with the boss system. I could load up some pretty stout reloads and the thing still felt like I was shooting a .223. I liked that. I'm puzzled when I hear people complaining about the muzzle blast;at the range we (of course) wore hearing protection and how many shots do you actually fire while hunting? Do you shoot at 30-40 deer a day? My only complaint is they added the Boss onto probably a 22" barrel making it into something around 25 or 26", much too long for my tastes. Other than that I liked the Boss.  Kix

Offline Slowpoke Slim

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2009, 03:13:57 AM »

Funny you should mention that, "one shot in the field". I fired my rifle with the BOSS on it ONCE at an elk in the field. Hit my target. No problem. Dead elk, successful hunt, right?

Mine's a 338 Win mag. The reason I mention this is the brake works on the amount of muzzle pressure, the more muzzle pressure, the more efficiently the brake works, and the more "blast" you get. I'm not saying a 30-06 wouldn't be LOUD, but less so than the 338 win mag.

Well the best way I can describe it is it felt like I had been jammed in both ear drums with an ice pick. I do NOT exaggerate. I could hear NOTHING for the rest of the day, and only a little bit the next day. My ears RANG for the rest of the weekend. I got my elk, sure, but the effects of the brake on my ears effectively ruined my hunting trip experience.

I vowed NEVER AGAIN to shoot that gun with the brake on it.

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2009, 04:17:10 PM »
   Well, Slim,you could be right as I never fired the rifle without adequate protection because in the field it is hardly practicle,at least in my opinion. It might have deafened my lady friend but I never heard as such;she just never worried about the recoil. But I have been at the range (trying to sight in my rifles) when there was a AR-15 (or clone) banging away next to me. Talk about a bother! I am not really recoil shy but I would rather put up with a powder-puff recoil (and noise) than getting slammed big-time everytime I squeeze the trigger.  Just my opinion,nothing more.  Kix

Offline MZ5

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2009, 06:24:13 AM »
I have a BOSS on my A-bolt 30-06.  It's a wonderful device.  I love the brake aspect of it, though it's extremely loud.  In fact, people shooting to the side of me sometimes feel like they've been hit with something (it's the blast).

In any case, when I was first sighting it in with Winchester factory Silvertip ammo (180-grain) a few years ago, it shot ~1 inch @ 250 yards.  I was really pleased!  I hadn't even gone through the complete tuning process yet; at that level of accuracy/precision, I didn't care whether I got more or not.

The only actual objection I've ever heard from the folks that say they don't like the device is that it's ugly.  I don't find it to be so, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder so that's fine.  As far a competitive shooting with them, it's my understanding that they've not been allowed before this year (last year?).  Perhaps I've been misinformed.

The one other downside (to me) besides the noise is barrel length.  At least on all the Brownings (can't be positive about the Winchesters), the nominal barrel length measurement (22" on most non-magnum chamberings in the A-bolt) includes the BOSS.  The actual rifled bore length is just about exactly 2" shorter.  Thus, my 30-06's rifled bore length is just a whisker over 20" bolt face to crown.  That's not really a big deal hunting, but it may tip the balance for some people.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2009, 06:41:48 AM »
My M70 super grade .338 Win Mag, left the factory with one and when I bought it cheap it had been cut off.  I am impressed with the rifle and like it a lot.  it shoots the Rem 225 grain soft points very well. 
My friend has a Browning A blot with the boss system on it and all I can tell it does is make a lot more noise.  My 338 recoils like an 06 and so does his 300 WM.  He hunts with electronic ears due to the noise.
Not sure if I was helpful.

Offline charles p

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2009, 04:50:42 PM »
Did anyone other than Win and Browning ever adopt the BOSS.  I've never owned a rifle with it - or for that matter - ever fired on either.  I don't think I could tune one.  Seems that every range trip for me gives a slightly different result.  I wouldn't know when to credit the BOSS.

Why don't golf putters have them.  Seems everyone is looking for a perfect putter, yet there are days when you can't make a put and days when the hole looks as large as a bushel basket.  Shooting is sort of that way some days.  Especially with pistols.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2009, 05:11:09 AM »
Both Win and Browning are owned by the same company, FN, and that is why they both has boss systems in thier catalogs.

Offline demented

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2009, 08:11:31 PM »
All mine does is make my 7mm Rem Mag kick like a .223 and it or SOMETHING allows me with Federal Premium ammo to do under three inches @300 yds.  So, I'd say they work and work well-at a price.....the noise level is such that if fired under a canopy of trees, etc, without hearing protection, my ears will ring for hours.

Offline One Eye

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2009, 08:21:11 AM »
I have a M70 Classic in .300 Win Mag w/BOSS.  It is one of the best shooting factory rifles I have ever owned.  It routinely shoots 1/2" groups at 100 yards.  I like the muzzle brake benefit of the BOSS.  Yes, it is loud, but I always wear hearing protection when at the range.  You barely feel any recoil.

Great system.
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Offline charles p

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2009, 11:11:22 AM »
Way off topic here - but I was once given a shotgun with a Cutts Compensator on the barrel.  It was vented.  It seemed no louder to me than a standard barrel.  I've never shot or owned a rifle with the BOSS, but I've heard lots of stories about the noise.  A friend of mine has a 7-30W 14" Contender that is ported, and he hunts with ear plugs.

Wonder why a ported or vented shotgun does not seem any louder?

Offline Keith L

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2009, 11:23:22 AM »
It does if you are next to it.  One of the guys I used to shoot trap with had a Sears shotgun with a Cutts compensator on it.  We took up a collection and got him an 870 so we would not have to have that thing barking next to us every time on the line.
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Offline Tonk

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2009, 09:56:01 AM »
I personally saw the BOSS as a "Gimmick" and nothing else! Yes, it would help those that didn't reload shoot better groups perhaps (lots of trial & error at the bench) but that noise level, not to mention the looks of the rifle barrel, was hard for this old timer to accept. Especially since I had several model 70 Winchester's that were tack drivers using my handloads.

There are no doubt a lot of rifles out there with the BOSS system and just as many that are not used with that gimmick on the end of the barrel. Geez! It sure makes a nice rifle look like crap-o-la. I don't care much for muzzle brakes either. A person is better off with a shoulder pad like the PAST RECOIL PAD or one that fits over the butt of the rifle. This way you never have to worry about loosing your hearing etc. or damaging someone elses.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2009, 04:59:27 PM »
I personally saw the BOSS as a "Gimmick" and nothing else! Yes, it would help those that didn't reload shoot better groups perhaps (lots of trial & error at the bench) but that noise level, not to mention the looks of the rifle barrel, was hard for this old timer to accept. Especially since I had several model 70 Winchester's that were tack drivers using my handloads.

There are no doubt a lot of rifles out there with the BOSS system and just as many that are not used with that gimmick on the end of the barrel. Geez! It sure makes a nice rifle look like crap-o-la. I don't care much for muzzle brakes either. A person is better off with a shoulder pad like the PAST RECOIL PAD or one that fits over the butt of the rifle. This way you never have to worry about loosing your hearing etc. or damaging someone elses.

The idea of the boss was to be able to adjust the gun to the load.
If you have a favorite load in your old trusty 06 rather than having to build another load you tune the rifle to the load.  As well as reduce recoil for that load.
Or if you buy a rifle for your kid to hunt with he can tune the rifle into your favorite deer loads and not have to buy another factory load or work up a home mix.

Offline One Eye

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2009, 03:24:43 PM »
I personally saw the BOSS as a "Gimmick" and nothing else! Yes, it would help those that didn't reload shoot better groups perhaps (lots of trial & error at the bench) but that noise level, not to mention the looks of the rifle barrel, was hard for this old timer to accept. Especially since I had several model 70 Winchester's that were tack drivers using my handloads.

There are no doubt a lot of rifles out there with the BOSS system and just as many that are not used with that gimmick on the end of the barrel. Geez! It sure makes a nice rifle look like crap-o-la. I don't care much for muzzle brakes either. A person is better off with a shoulder pad like the PAST RECOIL PAD or one that fits over the butt of the rifle. This way you never have to worry about loosing your hearing etc. or damaging someone elses.

I know what you mean about them looking "odd". but I bought the rifle to shoot and shoot it does.  When I am buying for "looks", I will stick with the Ruger #1s.
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Re: B O S S
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2009, 07:47:18 AM »
   I like it. I have the M70 Stainless Synthetic in 30/06. Bought it new just after they come out.consistant 100yd groups less than 3/4"some less. The sound is a bit sharper but not bad.Obviously ear protection at the bench,but usually not while shot doesn't ring all day for me as some have stated..and the gun looks fine to me...
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Offline chefjeff

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2011, 02:46:04 PM »
OK, I have a BAR MKII safari '06 with BOSS. Browning sent me a non-ported  sleeve for free upon request.The beauty of it is you can make most any suitable bullet fly pretty good. With a little shooting to find the sweet spot in your barrels harmonics for your bullet choice,you can dial it in. Browning sent a tape and a sliding guide for where to start.I would buy it again.The non-ported sleeve is a must have.

Offline demented

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Re: B O S S
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2011, 01:23:01 AM »
 My 7mm mag Stainless Stalker will place three shots inside 2.5 inches at 300 yards after tuning.  Good thing I did this before ammo went sky high, it took me almost 80 rounds to get it right.  Also I learned to NOT fire with anything overhanging the muzzle such as a deer stand roof , the noise will cause your ears to ring for an hour. I don't even enjoy hunting in full forest canopy, its just too loud.  Recoil is less than many .243's I've fired, but as was mentioned it ain't gonna win any beauty contests.  Weighing the good against the bad, I would still buy the rifle for long range open country hunting, I use my .308 Savage anywhere noise bouncing off something and back at me is an issue.