Just got back from the range & I am very please with my new toy. I have a T3 lite SS in .308.
I started out at 25 yards just to see if I could hit paper with it. All I took was 2 shots, both were touching. In fact, it was almost one hole. I'm no marksmen so to say the least, so I was very pleased. Besides that, they were just about dead center of the target, perhaps 3/8 off the bullseye.
Next I went for the 100yd shot with a 3 shot group. That too was very good in my book, they were all within an inch!
Maybe that's no big deal, but for this ol' farm boy, that's good enough to get the job done.
By the way, I didn't even bore sight the scope (Redfield Revolution 2-7). I just mounted it up with some Warne low rings I happened to have & some weaver mounts. In other words, I didn't even have to adjust the scope. I guess sometimes things just fall into place, which is rare for me.
Another bonus as far as I'm concerned is that I was using factory ammo, Remington core lokt's 150 grainers! Bought em at Dick's sporting goods on sale for about 11 bucks a box.
Anyway, I'll shut-up for now. I Really like the Tikka!