Dems love the Constituion when they get to say what it means. Like, the rights of "the people" should only permit what modern innlecshul libberuls say it should mean (which is why they close their ears and hum loudly when anyone else reads it). They love to proclaim the Constitution to be a "living document" and truly wish it to be; living things can be killed stone dead and they would LOVE to make it so!
In their tiny minds the Constitution REALLY means no one should have guns except for govenment's own officers. Tax payer abortions are protected rights at any age, on demand and at any point from conception until at least a couple hours after birth. Free speach if it's filth or PC propaganda, but not from anyone they disagree with (which is virtually anyone with an ounce of common sense). One man, one vote, especially if the voter is dead or illegal but it's limited to Demmicrats, all other voters should count for .3 per each. The right for personal propery to be taxed anyway they see fit and gov. "Imminate Domain" means the gov has a right to take any private property a gov agency wants to either use or transfer to one of their wealthy supporters. Gov has a right to use their guns and concentration camps to kill, imprision or compel individuals to pay for or or buy anything they dictate, because anything they wish is all for the "public welfair."
ETC, ad infinitum.