I have that exact same rifle, from Davidson's also, and I love it. I bought mine about the same time you got yours. I'm thrilled with the accuracy. Before I could get some hand loads ready, I took it out with some Winchester factory loads, 255 gr. Those give super nice accuracy in my rifle, but the velocity is only around 1250, so you're probably looking for something a little hotter for hunting. I've also done a lot of shooting with it using 240 gr LaserCast bullets but those are also about the same velocity, since I'm only shooting steel gongs so far. The trigger isn't bad, 4 lb. 7 oz. average and it'll probably lighten up slightly with use. I would guess you'll really like the shorter barrel for carrying in the field. BTW if you reload flat nose bullets, get the RCBS Cowboy dies or another brand that has the seater for flat nose bullets. I made the mistake of first buying the RCBS Legacy die set, which only includes a seater for round nose bullets, which doesn't work at all for flat nose bullets.