Author Topic: New slug gun,had a couple questions  (Read 1166 times)

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Offline yeroc

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New slug gun,had a couple questions
« on: January 28, 2010, 01:28:38 PM »
Hi guys im a little new here,i bought a nef 12 gauge slug gun with the laminate stock right after CHRISTmas and topped it off with a leupold 2x7. i was wondering what kind off groups are most peolpe averaging? And what is the slug or preference? Also do you know if i can buy a steel trigger gaurd for it and if so where? thank you for your help

Offline Daman

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Re: New slug gun,had a couple questions
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 04:24:56 AM »
I am going to go out on a limb here since I don't actually have one and say Winchester Gold Partitions 2 3/4 inch. About 1 - 2 inches at 100 yards is what I believe I have read sooooo many times on the previous posts. Just scroll back through the shotgun pages here and folks rave about their bullets and groups.

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Offline OldPhart

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Re: New slug gun,had a couple questions
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 03:06:28 AM »
My son and I both own and use 12 Ga. H&R Ultra Slug guns. As far as which sabot slug to use . . . all I can say is that you should shoot every type in every length you can afford to try. Yes, this will be a bit expensive but if you really want to know which sabot slug your gun likes best, there is no other way. My son and I split the cost of sabots with his brother-in-law who also recently purchased a 12 Ga. H&R Ultra Slug. The three of us went to our local range to sight-in. All three of us ended-up with guns that preferred different sabots. My gun preferred the 3" Federal Hydra Shok, my son's gun preferred the 3" Winchester Partitioned Gold, and his brother-in-laws gun preferred the 3" Brenneke KO sabots. All three guns were shooting clover leafs at 50 yds with their favorite slugs. All three guns were shooting 2.5" to 3" 3-shot groups at 100 yds with their favorite sabots. Now keep in mind that this was from a sandbagged benchrest. Since our local range only goes out to 100 yds, we were unable to test any of the three guns at 150 or 200 yds. I can't say that we tried every type and length of sabot available but between the three of us, we went through about $150.00 worth of ammo that day. It may well be that there are other sabots available that will shoot better from our guns but you have to ask yourself, how good is good enough. Most of the shots in our neck of the woods are at 75 yds or less (usually much less). We are happy with our Ultra Slug guns and all three of us managed to take deer last year this season with our Ultra Slug guns. Not one of the deer traveled more than a few feet after being hit. To me, the H&R Ultra Slug is the single most undervalued deer gun on the market today. Now if I had one of the faulty ones I've been reading about, I might not feel that way but I don't. Maybe they found the guy who wasn't doing his job correctly and canned him.

Offline spikehorn

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Re: New slug gun,had a couple questions
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2010, 06:27:32 AM »
+1 on what oldphart said buy a bunch of different sabots and don't forget buck hammers shoot them for group size before you even start sighting in.
308 win                 45-70                       12ga         
30-30                    223 stainless steel   20ga TDC
44 mag                  Tracker II 20ga        20ga
45-70 Manlicher     20ga USH                28ga

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Re: New slug gun,had a couple questions
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2010, 02:55:46 PM »
I second the Buckhammers and also try the Lightfields.  Neither is a sabot but both are designed for fully rifled barrels.  Also the buckhammers & lightfields are usually less expensive than the sabot loads. 

Also, my friend's 12 ga USH loves the 1 oz. 3" Federal Barnes Expanders Sabots but they are pricey and sometimes are to find.

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MINE:  270W, 308x444, 44 Bodeen, 410 shorty rifled slug gun, 445 SuperMag Shikari, 45 ACP shorty,  45-70 Shikari, 45 Cal Smokeless MZ, 50cal 24" SS Sidekick, 50 cal 24" Huntsman, 50 cal 26" Huntsman, 50 cal 26" Sidekick, 50-70 Govt Shikari, Tracker II 20 ga shorty, 20 ga VR Pardner, 20ga USH, 12ga VR NWTF, 12ga Tracker II shorty WITHOUT scope, 12ga USH, 10 ga  Pardner Smoothbore slug gun & 24ga Profino Custom rifled slug gun.

Offline Strikenmike

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Re: New slug gun,had a couple questions
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 02:36:07 PM »
You need to try 3-4 different brands to see which one your gun likes.  It gets quite expensive at first.  My gun is a 20 gauge and for hunting I use nothing but Lightfields.  My gun also shoots Remington AccuTips very well.  I practice with Remington Sluggers since they are less expensive and have a similar trajectory to my Lightfields.  I sight in my gun about 2 inches high at 50 yards.  The gun will shoot <2" groups all day.  Typically 2 slugs are touching and one is a bit off.  I have shot three shot groups at 50 yards that had all three slugs touching.
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Offline bowtech302

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Re: New slug gun,had a couple questions
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2011, 09:15:39 AM »
Mine loves 2.75" Hornady SST's. I shoot 1.25"-1.5" groups consistently at 100. I tried Winchester BRI, Federal Barnes Expanders, and Federal Fusions and couldn't get under 4". The Fusions looked more like a pattern than a group. I've heard good things about the Lightfields as well but have had no need to try them.