I put a new, read soft and thick, recoil pad on my #1 before I ever shot it!
However, I tried to shoot it with the iron sights and I wondered what I had gotten into and If I was man enough to shoot this 45/70 lots of people were sing'in the praises of.
It flat out really hurt!!!!!!!!! to shoot it with the 405RCBS ( about 425gr) at about 1600fps.
Totally it was head position, thanks goodness!
As soon as the scope was mounted, the higher head position totally took the hurt away. THANK Goodess!!!
Since then, I have shot those same loads with NO problem, and 355gr boolits up to 2500fps. Does the light rifle come back? Yes, but no pain or strain!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time on the bench is with a sissy bag, filled with lead shot, which the wife made me and off hand or seated, no problem.
I use The Brownell's Acraglas for bedding. The liquid - red & blue boxes - and not the jell type.
Maybe a bit more messy, but I like the results. Have used it for close to 40 years.
Just, and I cannot stress this enough, have your ducks in a row BEFORE starting the process OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!
If your interested, send me a PM and I will detail the process and pit falls to you.
I have also sent out a CD showing what the end result looked like. Sorry, challanged as to sending out images on the net, so I just find a CD works for me.
Keep em coming!