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Offline Veral

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burn remedy
« on: January 23, 2011, 03:07:22 PM »
  This post is to share a surperb burn remedy with you.  In my 70 years I've found nothing that comes close enough to stand in it's shadows.

  Pure lard with flowers of sulpher mixed in at room temperature or slightly warmer.  Don't heat the lard hot or it will cake quite rapidly.  Mix up a batch and keep it frozen so the lard doesn't turn rancid.  (Probably wouldn't hurt performance even if it did though.)  You can purchase flowers of sulpher from any drug store, though some may have to order for you.  It is just pure sulpher ground VERY fine.  (The remedy is ultra cheap.)

  Here's how good the remedy is.   Some years ago when my fair lady and I returned from a horse ride we found the house so full of smoke I couldn't see to walk but had to feel my way to the kitchen range.  (She remembered instantly on seeing the smoke that she had left a pot of beans going with the electric range on high.)  When I got to the stove I could see the bottom of the pan glowing red hot.  I picked up the pan and when I turned, the aluminum clad bottom, which was completely molten, dropped and splattered across the narrow walk between frig and cabinet island.  My only choice was to walk through a 6 foot stretch of glowing molten aluminum blobs,with stocking feet.  Use your best imagination and if you haven't had a similar burn, on both feet, you won't be able to imagine the pain thresh hold!

  My wife smeared my feet with the above remedy and slipped some cotton socks on to hold the sloppy, beautiful stuff in place.  The pain stopped completely in a few minutes, so I pulled my boots  on and went out to cut molds the rest of the day, and every day till my feet were healed.  I wasn't being tough guy!  My feet didn't hurt at all, and they healed VERY rapidly!

  Don't be without a jar of it in your freezer.  We just had a neighbor lady get burned real bad and didn't have any, so I made a rush trip to town to fix her up.   Do it now, because you may have to hit several drug stores to get the flowers of sulpher.  By the way.  The sulpher has unlimited shelf life when left dry in the bottle.  I only had to get lard on this rush trip.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

Offline scootrd

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 03:29:19 PM »
Best remedy I have found for 1st degree is Aloe Vera. 
For 2nd degree , Wash to cool burn down ASAP , Apply liberal amount Aloe Vera to continue cooling then applying a liberal amount of Honey over the burn and wrap Loosely in Saran wrap followed by Gauze. The honey prevents infection. Change the wrap every 12 hours for a few days.
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Offline bigbird09

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2011, 04:37:24 PM »
I've always heard to use toothpaste on small burns,  my girlfriend has done it a couple times.  Usually for a small burn I run water over it for a few minutes if it is really bothering me and then just keep something like a neosporen on it for a few days for infection.
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Offline quickdtoo

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2011, 06:59:17 PM »
If you ever use Water Jel, you'll never use anything else, a paramedic friend told me about it several years ago, it has since become commonly available in local pharmacies, it's great stuff, takes the burn right out of a severe burn for several hours and can be reapplied.  ;)


Water-Jel has been adopted by first responders, including EMS, Fire Departments and the police. Water-Jel is widely used in industrial and manufacturing plants, food service settings, welding sites and the military. The US Navy and the US Marines employ it in shipboard fire fighting gear, corpsman's equipment and individual combat kits (the last item mainly for the control of white phosphorous injuries so commonly seen in modern day warfare).
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Offline Veral

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2011, 06:38:51 PM »
  Of the three posts following mine, water jell sounds good,  IF it speeds healing.  I've used aloe and honey, and they are good, but can't touch the sulpher lard remedy, especially for making a big burn heal rapidly.   Neosporen is super for rash and most sores and wonderful for chafing, but won't speed healing of big burns in my opinion.  Having welded for years I don't even think of a burn that's less than a half inch in diameter.  It, or they if there are many, get no treatment at all.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

Offline bigbird09

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2011, 06:50:33 PM »
neosporen really doesn't speed healing of anything,  at least it never did for me.  I usually just used it if I had a bad enough burn that I got a boil that I would of course have to pop, and more for infections than anything.  Generally anymore I don't put anything on a cut or anything unless its really bad.  Like hitting a tree on a 3-wheeler got neo and iodine for a couple days.
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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2011, 01:25:40 PM »
Interesting. I know smearing lard or butter on a burn (second degree or less) soothes it and lets it heal by keeping it soft.  I wonder if mutton tallow would do as well as lard with the flowers of sulpher.  I use mutton tallow in my cap'n ballers for lube and underball grease wads when necessary, so I have quite a bit. It's a bit stiff when cold but I can probably cut it with something like vaseline or whipped butter if it won't smear easy by itself.

Whaddya think, Veral?
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Offline Bernie1

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2011, 01:18:27 AM »
What ratio sulphur to lard did you use. I have never heard of this but plan to give it a try.
Thanks, Bernie
  By the way I got my lead hardness tester in last week and I am completely impressed. Much easier to use than the Lee(had to quit it because of cataracts) Thanks again, Bernie

Offline Veral

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2011, 04:53:45 PM »
  I've never mixed any up, as my wife has always done it, and I've never asked.  She's one of those 'dump it in till it feels right' cooks, so probably doesn't know either!   Try 1 part sulpher two parts lard.  It will work fine with that mix, but if it seems a bit  too  runny when applied to warm skin, use more sulpher.  When we use it, which is only on big burns, as I stated earlier,  we wipe it on and immediately cover with a soft cotton cloth, like pieces of an old tee shirt which flexes easy to conform to where it needs to go.  The excess lard is quickly soaked up by the cotton.  As with any home made bandage, use only  white cotton, not synthetic cloth.

  The key is to keep it soft enough to spread with minimal pressure on senstive burns.  You want it to almost melt and flow as it is applied gently, so it doesn't tear the cooked flesh, or increase the pain by applying.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

Offline srussell

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2011, 12:47:52 PM »
the company i used to work for being really big and smarter than the rest of the world. took the waterjel packs away said if people had free access to them they wouldn't report accidents. go figure

Offline Veral

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2011, 07:11:05 PM »
  Interesting big business conjecture.
  Have you ever considered the fact that NOBODY ever goes to or needs a doc unless he is hurting or crippled somehow and can't fix it himself.  --  Seems a bit uncouth for big business to deprive people of the things needed to tend themselves, and affordably.

  Consider my burned feet discribed above.  Had we not had the remedy, we'd have had to rush to the emergency room of a hospital 20 miles from where we live, where I'd have waited in agony for at least an hour till a foot specilist got around to look at my burns and call a foot burn specilist, who would maybe arrive in 2 hours, or worse yet helicopter me to the big hospital 150 miles away because the foot burn specilist's time is worth more than the helicoptor and pilot , where the skin would have begin to rot by time I got there, so they'd have to amputate, and I could have had the problem solved for probably $20,000 plus a set of crutches for life.

  Get the point?   I prefer home remedies, even if the very best isn't available.  But it isn't  hard to have the best for many situations if we simply pass our best solutions around.

  I have been called a hard head by some who know me though.  One time I cut my hand real bad, and because I didn't want to take the time to have a professional sew it up, made my fair lady do it with a standard sewing needle and thread.   She did a fine job (with a lot of complaining) and I was back to work in less than a half hour. 
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

Offline srussell

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2011, 09:12:42 PM »
i really belive the reason they did it was control i mean total control.

Offline bigbird09

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2011, 08:31:17 AM »
20,000?  Your trip in the heli would have cost that, then seeing 2 specialist on top of that, you would be lucky to walk out with anything under $100k in bills.
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Offline Veral

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2011, 07:27:19 PM »
  I was joking of coarse about the hospital, but at the same time trying to make a dead serious point.

  When we watch cancer patients run to hospitals and being offered all sorts of 'hope' cures until they run out of money, and none of the cures working, then being switched to sugar water, and pain killers which are called 'meds',   me friends, we have a VERY serious problem with what is called health care,    If you don't happen to be aware, cancer thrives and lives on sugar, and an acid envirement.  Remove both and it dies. 
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

Offline Tencubed

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Re: burn remedy
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2011, 12:34:46 PM »
The old sulfur/lard mix works well.  Not uncommon to have this mix around for other than burns.  Most scrapes and other skin deep injuries respond well to this mix.  Works for cattle and horses as well as people.  If you buy lard be sure to get the unsalted variety.  Not fun to rub salt in an open wound.  The usual mix was around two to one as mentioned.  On livestock this mix with a layer of pine tar over it did wonders for major abrasions.

Best first aid for a burn is to get the heat out of the area.  Cold water or, better yet, ice water applied until the burning feeling is gone and then the lard and sulfur mix is applied as a salve to promote healing and prevent pain.  I worked in an aluminum reduction facility for a number of years and got my share of burns.  Usually the cold water took care of things.  If skin sluffed off or blisters started then it was time for the salve.

There are some people, myself included, that can not use this treatment.  If you have an allergy to any of the various sulfa drugs you may want to avoid it. 

I grew up thinking this was a common treatment to have around, apparently it's not. 


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