Weatherby rifles as stated by tuck2, are made in Japan by Howa. I don't have a Weatherby, but I do have a Howa 1500, which is basically the same rifle, but with a different rollmark (trade name). I don't consider my Howa a tack driver, but it will get the job done. I bought it years ago for my kids to use when I introduced them to hunting. It is also used as a loaner rifle for buddies to use before they purchase their own rifle.
Getting back to the Weatherby Vanguard. The Vanguard is the more economical, less expensive entry line (or should I say cheaper) model Weatherby. Weatherby rifles are guaranteed by the company to shoot a 1 1/2 inch group at 100 yards, the sub-moa models are supposed to be even better. The quality of Weatherby/Howa rifles are pretty good. Have to admit, Japanese quality control is pretty good.
Check out the site below for more info;