Always having considered myself the "Josie Wales" type

I decided that I would carry my Dragoon this year while deer hunting instead of one of my other handguns. So, when I got to camp I loaded 5 cylinders with 40 gr. of FFFG and round balls then slipped a cross draw holster onto a heavy 2 inch belt and carried it thusly for the next 8 days.
Although I got used to it, I don't think it will become a part of my regular hunting ensemble.

The heavy revolver pulled the belt out and foward so it was hanging way butt foward and away from my body. And while this wasn't really uncomfortable, it was ungainly and made it feel like the weapon wasn't secure.

It's possible that it might ride better if the holster was afixed to the belt,

but... If I were in Cobb's Legion I would have to carry these handguns in a saddle holster and restrict my personal carry to Army's or Navy's!

Just for grins I'm going to try it again but on the strong side.

After 8 days I fired it out. This thing is accurate enough that I would be tempted to try a 20 yard standing broadside shot at one of our 65 pound (dressed weight) does... after some more practice and with heavier powder charges of course!