Author Topic: How do we influence the Game Commision?  (Read 1566 times)

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Offline Bingo

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How do we influence the Game Commision?
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:40:32 AM »
   I have heard a lot of people griping that the deer population is down. Everyone I know would like to hunt Sunday. It seems to me that there is a lot of grumbleing but no action.


  How can we, as sportsman,outdoorsman and hunters, who pay for the privlage of hunting, influence the people who make the laws.
If it seems our plea's are falling on deaf ears, is it time to forget about talking to the Game Commision and start an organized effort to influence our elected officials. If the state government sets down the law the commish will have no choice but to implament and enforce it right?

   " This is the Alice's Resteraunt anti masicree movement" :D

Offline hornady

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2010, 03:34:42 AM »
Some years back I Belonged to a Sportsmen’s Club. At that time the PGC gave  extra clout to the in put of these clubs. The problem the club I Belong to had very few hunters. Just a thought.

Offline buckbeast

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2010, 06:07:03 AM »
   I have heard a lot of people griping that the deer population is down. Everyone I know would like to hunt Sunday.

If you think the deer population is down now, wait and see what happens if they ever allow Sunday hunting. More people in the woods means more deer moving....more deer moving equates to more dead deer. That is why I hope they never allow Sunday hunting.
Just a country boy from the mountains of PA

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2010, 07:52:28 AM »
Seems to me that the emphasis should be on a lengthy season on coyotes and all the deer natural enemies. Most of all is the protection of the doe population. Limit, if not do away with doe permits for several years. This could make a big difference deer population.

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2010, 08:08:37 AM »
 :) The game comml. could also be cutting timber on state game lands to enhance the deer populations...and other game..northern game lands could use clear cutting to make more browse, and some of the areas in Clearfield and other counties.. after all, this land is for game and should be managed for the benefit of both DEER and HUNTERS...If you have never hunted another state, you do not realize how poor the game situaiton is in was not always that way...and could be improved with proper management..but they are interested in paying high salaries for dead beats who do about 2000 a quarter million phesants were released for hunting...last year about 15,000...Now do we need dead weight secetaries and personel in Harrisburg, or more far as wardens, I have only seen acouple wardens in the field in all my years hunting there..that was in Elk C. during the elk season..I do not know how to change this, but clearly if hunting is to survive, something must be step grandson has a burning desire to  be a hunter...we hunted in Pa.  this fall some, but what really got him interested was a bit of varmit hunting in the west...

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2010, 03:48:29 PM »
If you want sunday hunting here is what you do.
1.  Stop harrassing the PGC.
2.  Start harrassing your local liar I mean legislator.

  Harrisburg not the PGC has to make that decision.  Maybe if it weren't just so stinkin easy to blame the PGC you might already have your sunday hunting because you would have contacted the right group from the getgo.

Its kinda funny how many BUT NOT ALL don't understand the basics but feel quailified to judge the complicated details
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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2010, 04:07:15 PM »
 You know as well as I do that there are so many special interest hunting groups in PA. The only thing that they can agree on is that the other groops are getting special treatment from the PGC and do nothing but fight among themselves. The archers don't like the muzzleloaders who don't like the rifle hunters who don't like the small game hunters. If we can unite everyone and get them to agree with out argueing then the PGC might listen. Until then no one will have their ear.  Mustache

Offline Bingo

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2010, 06:19:29 AM »
  Aside from stiring up a little conversation, my post is more WHO SHOULD WE CONTACT!

  I just got another Beagle that I have to feed and train. I have to work for a living and only get to hunt him one day a week for a few short months. Sunday hunting would double my time in the field. Also, many kids only get to see their Dads every other weekend. They too need more time in the woods with their Dads.
  I see no reason to maintain the status Quo and the argument of that is the way it has always been is a cop-out. I'm not pointing a finger or trying to invoke some inflamatory responce. I would just like to see a movement to repeal the Blue Laws. Who do we patition the law makers or the game comish?

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2010, 11:52:46 AM »
Political appointed lackeys they could care less what you think.
the nation that forgets it defenders will itself be forgotten

Offline manofthe45

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2010, 01:19:37 PM »
Again the PGC can do nothing to open more sunday hunting until it gets changed in harrisburg.  IMO opinion they like it this way cause it ties their hands and gives them a cop out but when the PGC says its out of our hands it truely is.

IF you want to see sunday hunting you must contact the liar you voted into harrisburg and request the change from them.
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Offline dougell

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2011, 08:41:49 AM »
:) The game comml. could also be cutting timber on state game lands to enhance the deer populations...and other game..northern game lands could use clear cutting to make more browse, and some of the areas in Clearfield and other counties.. after all, this land is for game and should be managed for the benefit of both DEER and HUNTERS...If you have never hunted another state, you do not realize how poor the game situaiton is in was not always that way...and could be improved with proper management..but they are interested in paying high salaries for dead beats who do about 2000 a quarter million phesants were released for hunting...last year about 15,000...Now do we need dead weight secetaries and personel in Harrisburg, or more far as wardens, I have only seen acouple wardens in the field in all my years hunting there..that was in Elk C. during the elk season..I do not know how to change this, but clearly if hunting is to survive, something must be step grandson has a burning desire to  be a hunter...we hunted in Pa.  this fall some, but what really got him interested was a bit of varmit hunting in the west...

The habitat work on the game lands is Clearfield county is nothing short of fantastic considering that they only have two full time food and cover guys that are responsible to manage thousands of acres.They do border cuts,rotate grouse blocks,manage food plots,mainain their own equiptment and drop browse during the winter.It's amazing what they accomplish with what they have.As far as clearcuts go,there are clearcuts on the SGL but they can't just clearcut everything.A clearcut benefits deer for about 12-15 years.After that it turns into pole timber and it's worless habitat for a few more decades.One of the reasons we're in the the situatuation we're in is because the entire northern tier was clearcut in the early part of the 21st century.Now we're faced with an even aged stand of timber that can't support as much deer as it once did.I'd be curious to know what specific game land s you're talking about. 

Offline dougell

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2011, 08:43:38 AM »
Seems to me that the emphasis should be on a lengthy season on coyotes and all the deer natural enemies. Most of all is the protection of the doe population. Limit, if not do away with doe permits for several years. This could make a big difference deer population.

Coyotes can be hunted 365 days a year/24 hours a day.Dogs are legal,bait is legal,eloctronic decoys are legal.What else can they do?

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2011, 02:53:24 PM »
Seems to me that the emphasis should be on a lengthy season on coyotes and all the deer natural enemies. Most of all is the protection of the doe population. Limit, if not do away with doe permits for several years. This could make a big difference deer population.

Coyotes can be hunted 365 days a year/24 hours a day.Dogs are legal,bait is legal,eloctronic decoys are legal.What else can they do?

Yep the true problem is shown right here.  To many spouting off when they do not even know the basics of our seasons and then they wonder why they feeled ignored when they try to refute the science behind the actions seen
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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2011, 01:44:37 AM »
I think that if people want to be listened to, some of them need to get rational. The accusations that are being made, in some cases, are off the deep end. The deer population is down because the GC wanted it down. We have bigger bucks. What I see is that we have enough deer, but they are not moving during the day at all. The people who are setting trail cameras confirm this. The deer are moving between 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM. Close the early in-line season, move the archery season back and the gun season up so we can hunt during the rut. Shotgunner
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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2011, 03:28:02 AM »
I have to agree with shotgunner.......also I'd like to cast a vote for Sunday hunting.  I disagree with buckbeast.  We had beautiful weather, fresh snow and everything,  on the last hunters , at least where I hunt.  Tuesday , the second day , good weather , no hunters.  Granted some don't get Saturdays off , or have limited vacation time.  Myself , I get one weekend off a month , Sundays would help me out on the weekends I do get off.  And manofthe45 is right , we need to hammer on our politians ears.  ( And don't tell me the deer need a rest.......)   regards  ,irold

Offline dougell

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2011, 07:37:06 AM »
I think that if people want to be listened to, some of them need to get rational. The accusations that are being made, in some cases, are off the deep end. The deer population is down because the GC wanted it down. We have bigger bucks. What I see is that we have enough deer, but they are not moving during the day at all. The people who are setting trail cameras confirm this. The deer are moving between 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM. Close the early in-line season, move the archery season back and the gun season up so we can hunt during the rut. Shotgunner

Respectfully,I don't feel there's any additional pressure do to the early inline season.I've yet to see a muzzleloader hunter in the woods since that season's inception.In fact,Years ago,I used to have my bowhunts routinely interfered by small game hunters and I hardly ever see that anymore.If anything,there's far less pressure in the woods these days.The exception would be bear season.Big groups of guys doing drives steadily for three days will certainly send the deer into nocturnal modes.What I've seen is that we have fewer deer'less people moving them and there's more food for the deer that are there.The deer simply don't have to move much to find food.A well fed deer is a very difficult animal to hunt unless you push them out.

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2011, 12:06:42 AM »
I wonder why we have big groups of hunters out driving bears, but not deer. There were lots of deer drives 20 years ago in my area, and almost none now. Perhaps they choose to take vacation for bear season and can not for deer. It must be a priority for them.

As far as the in-line season, we need to ask for what would work best for the whole state, not just our own comparitivly small hunting spot. Shotgunner
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"Game butchery is as objectionable as any other form of wanton cruelty or barbarity; but to protest against all hunting is a sign of softness of head not soundness of heart"
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Offline dougell

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2011, 04:47:53 AM »
That's a good question.I really don't like hunting in big groups but some seasons I do during bear season.That's just the accepted way to have the most success and huge groups of drivers push the heck out of this part of 2G.We have some pretty remote area but not remote enough that most areas can't be accessed fairly easily.During deer season I spend most of my time hunting steep areas and pushing deer top one or two of my buddies.We drive but not in the traditional sense.I see deer drives happening during deer season but on a much smaller scale compared to bear season.In fact,I see very few hunters on the first day and woods are practically empty after that.It's almost eerie.I think that,combined with just enough human pressure makes the deer go nocturnal.With few people in the woods pushing the deer,they simply don't have to move.They'll find thick laurel with an overstory of oak and never have to move to feed or they'll hold up in a clearcut with browse all around them.Once again,a well fed deer is a very tough animal to hunt on your own.The deer are there and we prove it every year by doing small drives on public land and still hunting above the highest benches but in many cases,you can be peeing in the wind if you just plop down on a stump to wait them out.

In my experience,there used to be far more activity in the woods during small game season than there is the early inline season.That may vary from area to area but the partcipation is very low every where I hunt.

I have no doubt that the PGC did exactly was needed to be done as far as herd reductions were concerned.Some adjustments have been made and more are sure to follow.I really don't think the PGC should have to change.Hunters are the one's that have to change.The deer are still out there but the conditions are changing and the methods have to change as well.The day's of sitting on any old stump and expecting to see 30 deer a day are over.It takes more work,understanding of deer and effort but the rewards are far greater.   


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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2011, 10:05:23 AM »
  In response to the initial post. The answer is...... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-BIG-$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2011, 12:09:36 PM »
Who got the money?How much was paid?Who paid it out?Proof without speculation would be helpful.

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Re: How do we influence the Game Commision?
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2011, 04:05:30 AM »
As I said, we need to have some common sense and not look like conspiracy nuts. Shotgunner
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"Game butchery is as objectionable as any other form of wanton cruelty or barbarity; but to protest against all hunting is a sign of softness of head not soundness of heart"
Theodore Roosevelt