Author Topic: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?  (Read 1761 times)

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Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« on: January 04, 2011, 11:36:29 AM »
What are your experiences at 50 yards with stock rifles?  My 10/22 will group about 1" on a good day.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 12:31:55 PM »
I think apples to apples you are going to have some that are going to like different brands of ammo more than another but if you took 100 of each and fired a brick of ammo through them averaged the groups the average would be the same for both.
Same as asking what is a better 1/2 ton Pick up.
Now there are some cosmetic differences, options, costs, or standard features that would have you pick one over the other.


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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 02:06:42 PM »
I think apples to apples you are going to have some that are going to like different brands of ammo more than another but if you took 100 of each and fired a brick of ammo through them averaged the groups the average would be the same for both.
Same as asking what is a better 1/2 ton Pick up.
Now there are some cosmetic differences, options, costs, or standard features that would have you pick one over the other.

The 10/22 seems to be a more solid rifle.  I own a ruger and am not happy with the accuracy.  However, all the reading I am doing it seems that a large percentage of rugers will not group at 50 yards without modifications.  On the other hand I read about a large percentage of marlins are shooters right out the box.

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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2011, 02:37:24 PM »
A few years ago, I wanted a wood stocked 22 auto with a flush bottom. (had a Mohawk 10-C)
About to get a Marlin 60, everyone I talked to said to get a 10/22. The gun sage at Academy told me I was doing the right thing.

When I bought a CZ452, I bought a lot of different ammo and tried it all in both the CZ and the 10/22. Both stock, both better than an inch at 50.
Best were Blazers and Velocitors. YMMV.

Lately, I've been reading the same stuff you have about Marlins being more accurate than the 10/22.
Talked to the gun sage at Academy a few weeks a go and he pointed out that someone with a 10/22 and a $150 could have a 10/22 and a Marlin 60.
No limit on how many 22's you can have.
(Re: williamlayton; owner of one of everything. Pretty sure Mcwoodduck has two different CZ452 models.)

Take $150 to Academy and find out......or I will.

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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2011, 03:28:39 AM »
I plan on getting a marlin in the next few weeks.  I'm torn between the model 60 and the 795.  In the mean time I'm bedding my 10/22 to see if I can squeeze anymore accuracy out of it.  I don't want a heavy barrel.  It's too heavy to pack through the woods hunting.

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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2011, 12:58:46 PM »
For out the box ready to hunt gun I'd choose the Marlin model 60
It doesnt have a mag that can drop out, good out the box accuracy, sights arnt target but robust.....somthing a ruger is not. Ive busted my share of ruger rear sights, also went to fire and found the Rugers mag had dropped up my back trail (coon hunting) took to carrying the stinking thing in my pocket, I do like loading and carrying a tube mag gun, love clearing Ruger misfeed jambs not Marlin's
Like the clean lines of the Marlin, also Marlin you can mount a scope if you had to, Ruger you better have kept that little envilope in the box and dont misplace the plug screws when you mount the scope.
What is interesting is side by side same ammo the Marlin will out distance a Ruger in range. thats a fact.
Most .22's will out range the 10/22 even the Jimney Cricket single shot with shorter barrel..go figure?
Of course ya can get all crazy and start hold over but I like to use sights not be guessing at extrememranges (shooting P-dogs)
Marlin trigger is spongey and low the Ruger is kinda hard pull in comparrison.
Tube mag you can load more than 10 shots, Ruger Is limited to ten and can drop from the gun when you least want it to.They both cost about the same to replace the mag.
both are good basic guns one is a little more hunter friendly than the other, I chose the hunter friendly one.

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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2011, 03:37:53 PM »
Dang, I was jonesin' for a Marlin 60 last week.
My MIL gave me some Christmas money that looked a lot like some Marlin 60 money.
Then I shot a crow out of the top a tree with my 10/22 and a red dot. The jones subsided.
I decided I could get along just fine with the 10/22 and a CZ452.

Now this thread has me conflicted.
Got a scope and rings for it already.
I will try to wait for a rainy Saturday to go buy a 60.
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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2011, 01:33:41 AM »
Dang, I was jonesin' for a Marlin 60 last week.
My MIL gave me some Christmas money that looked a lot like some Marlin 60 money.
Then I shot a crow out of the top a tree with my 10/22 and a red dot. The jones subsided.
I decided I could get along just fine with the 10/22 and a CZ452.

Now this thread has me conflicted.
Got a scope and rings for it already.
I will try to wait for a rainy Saturday to go buy a 60.

I think the model 60 is a nice rifle.  It's the .22 that almost everyone has.  I'm thinking of getting the 795.  It's basically the same gun with a clip.  I get in and out the truck a lot and the clip will make it easier to unload.

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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2011, 01:53:01 AM »
Do you know if you can you buy spare clips easily, or if someone like butler creek make 25 shot clips for it?
Who carries the 795? Academy?
Wonder how it compares to the Savage 64F.
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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2011, 02:13:33 AM »
Do you know if you can you buy spare clips easily, or if someone like butler creek make 25 shot clips for it?
Who carries the 795? Academy?
Wonder how it compares to the Savage 64F.

Academy carries the 795 for $129.  I've seen spare mags for sell they range from $10-30 online.  The only downside to the mags is that they hang out the bottom.

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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2011, 01:06:29 PM »
IIRC, the 60 was $136.
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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2011, 06:36:47 PM »
I always found the 60 to be accurate and trouble free. I think
that they give the most bang for the buck. If you have tinker
fever and like spending money, get a 10-22, no end to the
accessories available for them.
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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2011, 07:12:26 AM »
I went shopping this weekend and 3 of the marlins I picked up had crooked rear sights.  They were canted atleast 1/4".

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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2011, 09:33:34 AM »
i know that people say that a 10/22 is not accurate but i find both i have had fine shooters with their preferred ammo. either cheap semi .22 will do the job. i've never put any extras into mine cause i think if i want accurate i want a bolt. but stumpjmpr is right to look the new rifle over for defects. lots of them on new guns
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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2011, 05:25:26 PM »
i know that people say that a 10/22 is not accurate but i find both i have had fine shooters with their preferred ammo. either cheap semi .22 will do the job. i've never put any extras into mine cause i think if i want accurate i want a bolt. but stumpjmpr is right to look the new rifle over for defects. lots of them on new guns

Both the model 60 and 10/22 will out shoot me. I like them both, but if I could have only one, it would be the 10/22. You can buy an excellent trigger kit for it for a little bit of nothing, and pop it in yourself. These things are so easy to take apart and put back together.Some people complain about the 10/22's jamming! With the wrong ammo, or if they are dirty they will. So will the Marlin.

Just break it down after a day at the range and give it a good cleaning. Easy job!
For ammo, I use Federal Auto match. These things shoot very accurately, and feed well.

You pay a little more for them than the bulk ammo, but the difference in price is well worth it. Auto match comes in a brick of 350 (I think) instead of 500, and Walmart carry's them.
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Re: Ruger or Marlin Semi-Auto out of the box accuracy?
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2011, 04:12:35 PM »
My 795SS is the most accurate 22 I have ever shot. I haven't owned a 10/22, but the one that I have shot wasn't bad.
I think that it depends on if you want out of the box ( like the original question) or you want to be able to tinker and really make it yours.