Sorry, I forgot to mention. Notching the stock deeper is really easy, child's play. Start with a small round wood file, deepen the notch a little, then follow with a larger round wood file, cutting carefully down until you have gone as deep as the small file went. Close the bolt and see if it hits the wood. If so, then just keep repeating this process, going slowly and carefully, until the closed bolt no longer hits the wood. Then take a small wooden dowel, wrap medium sandpaper around it, and sand the inside of the notch to smooth it up. Then follow with fine, and then extra fine sand paper. You will need to leave a little bit of extra clearance, so that when the wood is sealed, finished, and later exposed to moisture, it doesn't swell up and hit the bottom of the bolt.
Really easy. Just do it when you have plenty of time, some really good light, and you aren't aggravated. If you get tired, then just stop, and come back to it the next day.
Regards, Mannyrock