Prediction concerning Afghan conflict;
B. Hussein Obama is getting ready to finally "cut and run"... Now that he and his chosen advisers have run up higher daily, weekly & monthly casualty figures than we ever experienced in recent conflicts involving places such as Grenada, Panama, Kuwait or looks like the "handwriting is on the wall"
They can never win..until they are willing to identify just who is our enemy and what ideaology drives him! ...But the Libs are saying nothing..
The new "rules of engagement" have killed our people at an alarming rate, since it appears the Liberals in charge would seemingly prefer that our troops rather than Afghans, take the casualties.
Surely I don't have to reiterate here, that Liberals just don't have the intestinal fortitude required to go for victory. Has anyone here ever heard our present C-in-C or any of his appointed military chain-of-command ever use the term "victory" in reference to the present mideast conflict ?
Has anyone heard any liberal since WW2 suggest "victory" as an end result to such conflicts ?
President Reagan called for victory in Grenada and the cold war..and got it.
Pres Bush #41 called for victory in Panama and Kuwait... and got it.
Bush #43 called for victory and free elections in Iraq..and that was accomplished !
Presently our troops are fighting with "one hand tied behind their backs"...a liberal "feel good" long as they or their sons & daughters are not involved.
...But here's a "heads up" for a "cut & Run" doctrine..
" There is no substitute for victory"! .....Gen Douglas MacArthur