Author Topic: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush  (Read 1040 times)

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Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« on: February 05, 2011, 08:34:24 AM »
Huh.. :o  Imagine Rush silenced. The other day for a rare moment Rush Limbaah was silenced by a libber call in who claimed Ronald Magnus Reagan was actually a non-conservative with liberal tendacies. Rush could only claim that he was one guy that would never get it....and should be put out of his misery,,,err defeated... :o


[The Truth About Ronald Reagan That Conservatives Ignore
Posted in Liberaland by Alan • February 5, 2011, 1:44 PMET • Leave a Comment » Think Progress has compiled a list of facts about Ronald Reagan that are rarely mentioned as the myth surrounding his legacy grows. Conservatives have no real leader now, so they’ve constructed one and given it the Reagan persona. As we approach the 100th birthday of the iconic president, this puts things in perspective.

•Reagan was a serial tax raiser. As governor of California, Reagan “signed into law the largest tax increase in the history of any state up till then.” Meanwhile, state spending nearly doubled.
•Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, “roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether.”
•Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts. Unemployment jumped to 10.8 percent after Reagan enacted his much-touted tax cut, and it took years for the rate to get back down to its previous level. Meanwhile, income inequality exploded.
•Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously. Reagan promised “to move boldly, decisively, and quickly to control the runaway growth of federal spending,” but federal spending “ballooned” under Reagan. He bailed out Social Security in 1983 after attempting to privatize it, and set up a progressive taxation system to keep it funded into the future.
•Reagan did little to fight a woman’s right to chose. As governor of California in 1967, Reagan signed a bill to liberalize the state’s abortion laws that “resulted in more than a million abortions.”
•Reagan was a “bellicose peacenik.” He wrote in his memoirs that “[m]y dream…became a world free of nuclear weapons.”
•Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants. Reagan signed into law a bill that made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty.
•Reagan illegally funneled weapons to Iran. Reagan and other senior U.S. officials secretly sold arms to officials in Iran, which was subject to a an arms embargo at the time, in exchange for American hostages. Some funds from the illegal arms sales also went to fund anti-Communist rebels in Nicaragua — something Congress had already prohibited the administration from doing.
•Reagan vetoed a comprehensive anti-Apartheid act. which placed sanctions on South Africa and cut off all American trade with the country. Reagan’s veto was overridden by the Republican-controlled Senate.
•Reagan helped create the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Reagan fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping, and funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. Reagan funneled billions of dollars, along with top-secret intelligence and sophisticated weaponry to these fighters through the Pakistani intelligence service. The Talbian and Osama Bin Laden — a prominent mujahidin commander — emerged from these mujahidin groups Reagan helped create, and U.S. policy towards Pakistan remains strained because of the intelligence services’ close relations to these

In addition:

..Reagan negotiated with 'terrorists'...even created terrorist
..Reagan had a much lower approval rating then BHO currently has
..Reagan ran from terrorist given the beirut barracks attack, etc.

As GOPers rally the ranks, something to think about when the dialogue comes back to this.


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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 01:31:04 PM »
I guess when I found out that Reagan said one thing and did another is when I left the Republican party. I have seen figures that he actually spent more on social programs than Jimmy Carter. It is my opinion that both parties continue the same failed policies. They say one thing and do the other, and are only in it for the payoff. (With the exception of Ron Paul)
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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 01:38:41 PM »
Rush is still on the air? Reagan came from California. Historically liberal. What is the suprise?

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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 02:00:26 PM »
 As if near continuous campaigning against G.W. Bush werent enough now liberals are going to start campaigning against a deceased president that left office over 20 years ago? They sure cant run on their accomplishments.

Reagan's reason for leaving the democrat party really strikes a chord with me:
"Ronald Reagan officially became a Republican in 1962, although he supported Nixon's condidacy in 1960s.

Reagan often said that his reason for leaving were what he saw as a major change in the philosophy of the Democratic party, away from individual rights in favor of a more collectivist philsoophy. He was quoted on at least one occasion as saying "I didn't leave the Democratic party; my party left me". "

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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2011, 04:20:15 AM »
As a matter of fact, Ronald Reagan did do some things that didn't sit well, but like most things it must be put in context.  He wasn't God and he wasn't a dictator; he still had to deal with the Dumocrats and liberasl in his own party.  You might say he was a bit of a pragmatist and realist.  Liberals get kudos for exhibiting those traits.

I don't know if we've ever had a perfect President and we sure as hell don't have one now.  One thing I can't imagine Ronald Reagan ever saying is that he would do things that would cause the coal industry to die, or that other energy sources would have to skyrocket in price for his plans to work.  I guess you would have to give the present President credit for being honest about some things, but that still doesn't make me like him.

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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 05:10:40 AM »
As a teenager in California  in  1966, I worked  to get Ronald Reagan elected Governor and one of the first things he did was raise taxes. 

I have never belonged to the church of Ronald Reagan.   The only reason Reagan looks as good as he does is that American statesmen and our culture in general have sunk so low.

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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2011, 07:30:36 PM »
In his two terms in office, Reagan continually tried to balance the budget by cutting federal spending. He cut the budgets of many federal departments, including the Department of Housing and Urban Development (by 40%), the Department of Transportation (by 18%), the Department of Education (by 19%), the Department of Commerce (by 32%), and the Department of Agriculture (by 24%). Reagan never cut the budgets for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, Justice, or State.

President Reagan also presided over the biggest peacetime defense buildup in history. Reagan expanded defense spending from $178 billion in 1981 to $283 billion by 1988, an increase of 58.9%.

In the fall of 1981, the US economy took a turn for the worse, experiencing its worst recession since the Depression. The Federal Reserve increased interest rates to combat the 14% inflation rate. By Nov. 1982, unemployment reached 10.8%, thousands of businesses failed, farmers lost their land, and many sick, elderly, and poor became homeless. The official unemployment rate reached 11.5 million in Jan. 1983.

During Reagan's presidency, total national debt increased from $994 billion in 1981 to $2.9 trillion in 1988.  The deficit grew from $74 billion in 1980 to $155 billion in 1988, and unemployment was at a 14-year low, 5.5%, by mid-1988.  On Jan. 20, 1989, Ronald Reagan left the White House with the highest approval rating, 68%, of any president since Franklin D. Roosevelt.

And here is the conservative Response

I believe you have to play the cards your dealt , and at the end of the day hope you did your best.

Personally I liked President Reagan.  And I suspect  The historical truth lies somewhere between both points of view.
Some good , Some bad.
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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2011, 04:12:52 AM »
The libbers are grabbing at straws. Anything to make the bozo in office now, not look so bad. As far as Reagan being perfect, nobody is, or will be. Thats why I find it funny when I get blasted for voting for the ''lesser of 2 evils''. Ain't never gonna happen, as far a perfect president. No matter how good someone looks, they will always be,''the lesser of 2 evils''. gypsyman
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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2011, 06:17:13 AM »
Huh.. :o  Imagine Rush silenced. The other day for a rare moment Rush Limbaah was silenced by a libber call in who claimed Ronald Magnus Reagan was actually a non-conservative with liberal tendacies. Rush could only claim that he was one guy that would never get it....and should be put out of his misery,,,err defeated... :o


[The Truth About Ronald Reagan That Conservatives Ignore
Posted in Liberaland by Alan • February 5, 2011, 1:44 PMET • Leave a Comment » Think Progress has compiled a list of facts about Ronald Reagan that are rarely mentioned as the myth surrounding his legacy grows. Conservatives have no real leader now, so they’ve constructed one and given it the Reagan persona. As we approach the 100th birthday of the iconic president, this puts things in perspective.

•Reagan was a serial tax raiser. As governor of California, Reagan “signed into law the largest tax increase in the history of any state up till then.” Meanwhile, state spending nearly doubled.
•Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, “roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether.”
•Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts. Unemployment jumped to 10.8 percent after Reagan enacted his much-touted tax cut, and it took years for the rate to get back down to its previous level. Meanwhile, income inequality exploded.
•Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously. Reagan promised “to move boldly, decisively, and quickly to control the runaway growth of federal spending,” but federal spending “ballooned” under Reagan. He bailed out Social Security in 1983 after attempting to privatize it, and set up a progressive taxation system to keep it funded into the future.
•Reagan did little to fight a woman’s right to chose. As governor of California in 1967, Reagan signed a bill to liberalize the state’s abortion laws that “resulted in more than a million abortions.”
•Reagan was a “bellicose peacenik.” He wrote in his memoirs that “[m]y dream…became a world free of nuclear weapons.”
•Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants. Reagan signed into law a bill that made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty.
•Reagan illegally funneled weapons to Iran. Reagan and other senior U.S. officials secretly sold arms to officials in Iran, which was subject to a an arms embargo at the time, in exchange for American hostages. Some funds from the illegal arms sales also went to fund anti-Communist rebels in Nicaragua — something Congress had already prohibited the administration from doing.
•Reagan vetoed a comprehensive anti-Apartheid act. which placed sanctions on South Africa and cut off all American trade with the country. Reagan’s veto was overridden by the Republican-controlled Senate.
•Reagan helped create the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. Reagan fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping, and funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. Reagan funneled billions of dollars, along with top-secret intelligence and sophisticated weaponry to these fighters through the Pakistani intelligence service. The Talbian and Osama Bin Laden — a prominent mujahidin commander — emerged from these mujahidin groups Reagan helped create, and U.S. policy towards Pakistan remains strained because of the intelligence services’ close relations to these

In addition:

..Reagan negotiated with 'terrorists'...even created terrorist
..Reagan had a much lower approval rating then BHO currently has
..Reagan ran from terrorist given the beirut barracks attack, etc.

As GOPers rally the ranks, something to think about when the dialogue comes back to this.

All those communistic tendancies and the left still hated him. That is how far left the Democratic party had become. Reagan was in fact a Democrat, and in his view they left him. You have most assuredly uncovered not a thing. Now they are willing to prostitute their principles and claim Reagan is one of them, whatever.

Am I to believe his Presidency was a failure because you can drag up instances where he did not toe some ideological line? Sometimes you have to look to the results. The process can be ugly and hard to understand but by keeping your eyes on the goal obsticles can be overcome. Politics has much more in common with professional wrestling than with professional boxing.

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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2011, 04:02:03 AM »
Hey when republicans are in there are so few screw ups Rush has little material to work with.
I don't think liberal is sosialist or progressive all the time only in the extreame.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline scootrd

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Re: Libbers Claiming Reagan was a Libber Silenced Rush
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2011, 07:09:33 AM »
But what I'm getting at is if the Palins, Bachmanns, Newt's, Beck's, Rushbo's, etc. of the so-called right are going to invoke Reaganism in 2012, as they so often do could come back to haunt them. That's about it....and that's why Rush had to go to commercial! Since Reagan was mostly a Democrat his entire life before a party switcher...THE DEMs ALSO HAVE CLAIM RIGHTS TO THIS ICON.

Yep , My dad was a Republican , but my mom was what they called at the time a REAGAN DEMOCRAT. That in and of itself points out the strong appeal on both sides of the isle for the Man himself whether they agreed or disagreed with every little policy or strategy.

A vast majority of Reagan Democrats were Northern voters who supported Reagan's strong stance on national security and opposed the Democratic Party's view on issues such as pornography, crime, and taxes.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant