I use one of those cargo racks that slide into the hitch receiver on my Barbie Jeep to take my deer to the processor, or back to the camp to dress. Just load it in the tray and drive on.
My buddy says it is illegal in Alabama to transport a visible dead deer, that I am required to cover it with some type of tarp, so the PETA-types don't get their feeling hurt. Says the po-po's won't give you a ticket, but a game warden will.
This is the same guy who said it was illegal to shoot a predator from a tree stand, and declared that hot water freezes faster than cold water.
I found this in a google search of Code of Alabama and game laws:
Section 9-11-259
Game, birds or animals to be transported openly; confiscation, etc., of game, birds or animals transported or taken illegally.
All game, birds or animals taken or killed in this state must at all times be carried or transported openly, and failure to do so shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $25.00. All game, birds or animals carried or transported in an illegal manner or taken or killed illegally shall be confiscated and disposed of under regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(Acts 1935, No. 383, p. 813, § 24; Code 1940, T. 8, §107.)
What say you, good GBO experts? Can I get a ticket for an exposed dead deer on my cargo carrier? Or am I at risk in covering it?