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Offline teamnelson

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Obama Doctrine
« on: February 14, 2011, 01:56:03 PM »
Unlike the Monroe Doctrine, the Obama Doctrine is not a specific foreign policy introduced by the executive, but rather a phrase used to describe Obama's general style of foreign policy. This has left journalists and political commentators to speculate on what the exact tenets of an Obama Doctrine would be. Generally speaking, it is accepted that a central part of such a doctrine would be negotiation and collaboration over confrontation and unilateralism in international affairs.

The impression that the Obama administration is forever one step behind the unfolding events and chaos in Egypt this week is one left, in part, by design.

with Obama’s supporting the Egyptian people over their dictatorial regime he has signaled to the whole World that America will no longer live a lie paying only lip service to those seeking freedom, but will henceforth back up their highest ideals of freedom with action. [or I guess technically you should say inaction]
The reaction throughout the Arab World to Obama’s New Doctrine has been astounding, to say the least, and, in part, include:

· Jordon’s tribal leaders making an unprecedented charge of corruption against their US-backed royal house.

· The people of Algeria rising up in mass to overthrow their decade’s long rule by a Western-backed military junta.

· The people of Yemen holding massive demonstrations to overthrow their US-backed dictator.

· The people of Bahrain preparing to hold a ‘day of rage’ protest against their US-backed dictator.

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report on the New Obama Doctrine, however, paints a much grimmer picture of it by stating that the Americans are preparing for a “full-scale” pullback into the Western Hemisphere and their actions of this week are a “warning” to the rest of the World to “leave them alone” and have likened it to a 21st reaffirmation of the 19th Century Monroe Doctrine.

Interesting that its considered "grim" by Russia that we would become less involved in the world's affairs.

So what do you think? How is the Obama Doctrine, which appears to require little action if any, working in the world? Do you think the Russians are accurate in deducing that Obama is moving us towards isolationism? That seems hard to fathom.
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Offline The Hermit

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 04:34:34 PM »
Hillary & Obama can't keep their noses out of anybody's business and will continue to make more enemies abroad.  But, I understand that Obama was warned by the Saudi president not to withdraw US financial aid to Egypt.
I don't think he can move towards a more isolationist position given the current financial mess that congress has gotten us into in the last 15 to 20 years.
Also, we rely on our stategic "partners" all through the world to maintain and support our military bases.  I think he is pushing a one world government instead, but will do or say anything to get reelected.

  The Hermit

Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 04:53:33 PM »
I would think that Russias insight (and experience?) would be accurate. With our mounting debt, they know a time will come when spending will slow almost to a stop. Our liberal foreign aid, military budget, trade, etc will have to be "pulled back to regroup".
  Russia experienced their coming apart at the seams a couple of times now, the revolution when they literally left their troops on the western front to get home however they could, and more recently with their disolution.  We have in our own history paralleled that somewhat. Our own civil war that was followed by regrowth and the industrial revolution. Yet to happen, but enough money to run our own affairs. Can't set a budget now, one of the most basic requirments of government. Who will continue to loan? We are embroiled in an area that Britain and Russia both have been forced to a stalemate with. The obama doctrine of little action may very well be the problem. Perhaps Russia knows we cannot continue to financially influence the world. Maybe obama should have made progress to adopt a more Jeffersonian philosophy. Some nations may be the sounding board that to deal with the USA means to deal with corruption? Do we not have a corrupt gov't ourselves?

 I think we will be monetarily forced to become les involved. I believe Russia see's that. Yes, I do see isolationism coming, I for one would like to see an end of all foreign aid, with the exception of humanitarian aid, earthquake,flood, etc. I for one would also like to see our troops returned to our nation and territories, and not used as the worlds PD.

Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 04:59:49 PM »
 Why on earth would any leader of any nation give foreign aid to a country that has no sense about itself? egyptian foreign aid should be stopped posthaste. The saudis should be picking up the slack for their muslim brethren. Why are we sending foreign aid to islamic nations in the first place, especially when saudi money helped finance 9-11?  >:(  GRRR!  >:(

I'm suprised that after the wiki leak thing some of them folks would want to do business with us anyway. Maybe its because we're paying??

Offline magooch

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 04:20:42 AM »
Why are we giving aid to Egypt?  I guess you'd have to ask Jimma Carter.  To me it has always felt like extortion.  We are the third party payer of the ransom to keep Egypt off of Israel's back.

Offline bilmac

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2011, 05:05:14 AM »
I think conservative thought is divided on this. I'm even conflicted in my own mind. On one hand why spend money we don't have protecting or influencing countries that should be protecting themselves. Then on the other hand, because we have had a long lasting relationship[sending them money]  with the Egyption military, there is a chance that things may work out OK for our interests in Egypt. Why send money overseas to prop up all these bad governments, on the other hand, the money we send is not very significant, and it may end up way cheaper to do that than have to go to war.

 Playing defense will never really win any conflict, we CAN NOT defend all of the US from every threat. We have had a few years of peace in America because our best young people are fighting a war in the middle east. If we stop playing offense the war will move to our hometowns.

Offline Pat/Rick

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2011, 06:27:07 AM »
I equate foreign aid in alot of cases to be nothing more than the USA being extorted protection money. We pay people to leave us alone? Does that really work when it angers a populace to riot against the nations leadership for being in bed with the americans? We pay people to leave us alone? Isn't that what our military might is supposed to cover? No. IMO we need to drop ALL foreign aid, all it has done is create global welfare. Want to send foreign aid? Send agriculture equipment and seed, send the machinery of development. Not weapons in the guise of military aid, that our armed services may have to face later. Isolationism? Works pretty well for Switzerland.

Offline teamnelson

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2011, 07:25:46 AM »
Here's some interesting charts that indicate publicly identified Foreign Aid dollars by country and by program. They all have such really nice sounding program names, don't they? Many places our $ helps underwrite the activities of other competitor nations (China, Iran, SA) that are wooing these poor but resource rich areas.

I know from experience that more $ shows up to these countries and other countries in other forms, such as import/export contracts, corporate concessions, real durable goods, military "protection" or "intervention." So the total amount of $ sent overseas is debatable.

Listening to Obama this morning on the issues of Iran, SA, etc. just reaffirms that he's a kick the can down the road kind of guy. Evidently there was a liberal PhD foreign affairs expert on MSNBC (self avowed lefty) that identified at least 2 different and competing policies being communicated by Obama during the Egyptian crisis. That's not leadership ... that's not a "serious conversation". That's ambivalence, and I am left with the clear conclusion that the Obama Doctrine is no doctrine at all.
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Offline wreckhog

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2011, 09:04:31 AM »
That is the nature of life. Carrot and the stick, checks and balances, etc. You earn but you pay taxes. Go to bed now so you can wake up later. Half the people here are collecting Social Secuirty yet they moan about reducing the deficit. Meanwhile they have lived a life reaping the benefits of deficit spending.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2011, 09:24:33 AM »
You know, Obama created a "Blue Ribbon" commission made up of both Dems and Reps to tell us how to balance the budget.  Yet, he submitted a budget that did not incorporate ANY of the commissions findings.  Hippocrite.  One was to gradually raise the retirement age over time to reduce the cost of Social Security.  I suggest we go back to the 2008 budget as a begining line for all programs before the first Bush bailout just before Obama took office.  Then begin to cut even more.  All that foreign aid to South America for drug interdiction isn't working.  Just hire more border guards with the money and more coast guard patrols using all the mothballed Navy ships.  Pay Americans to work to interdict the drugs and illegals.  Closing down European military bases would also help.  Having a flat tax to eliminate all the IRS people would also help.  Cutting out the Endowment for the Arts, Public TV and Radio, etc. 


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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2011, 09:42:17 AM »
The russians will say anything that will disrupt America .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Gary G

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2011, 11:27:04 AM »
The sole purpose of government is to protect your liberty. The Constitution is not to restrict the people, but to restrict government.  Ron Paul

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2011, 08:51:29 AM »

.......................... I for one would like to see an end of all foreign aid, with the exception of humanitarian aid, earthquake,flood, etc. I for one would also like to see our troops returned to our nation and territories, and not used as the worlds PD.

 Ten Four!!  IMO This won't happen until there is no other choice left. :(
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Offline teamnelson

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Re: Obama Doctrine
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2011, 09:43:50 AM »
.......................... I for one would like to see an end of all foreign aid, with the exception of humanitarian aid, earthquake,flood, etc. I for one would also like to see our troops returned to our nation and territories, and not used as the worlds PD.

Pat/Rick, amen, and I'd take foreign humanitarian aid and disaster relief out as well. Historically that has been used by State as a carrot and stick (we only help our friends or people we want to be friendly). We have plenty of other charitable organizations in the US that are already engaging in areas desperate for Humanitarian assistance and relief. When I was running a humanitarian agency in the 3rd world, State/USAID actually didn't do anything, but wanted to fund me at one time with $3 million to do something in their name. I was charitably funded already - I suggested they make a donation to my charity.

And with the return of our troops, the NG should be returned to their respective states and never ever ever sent as reserve reservists overseas. Employ them as DHS, and disband DHS. They can coordinate intel and training with counterparts in DOD as a separate entity.
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