What is happening in the Middle East is hitting all of us in the back pocket, so I think we do need to be concerned. Maybe we have a roll to play, but I'm not quite sure what it should be. In the the case of Lybia, we do have another interest; Gadhafi is said to have ordered the bombing of that Pan Am airplane. If there is anything left of him after the rebels get done, we need to finish the job.
I think we could be working in the shadows to try to ensure that the extremists don't gain control of Lybia, Egypt, et al. That's a job for the CIA, not the Hilda beast. Like it, or not, the free flow of oil is in the best interest of us as well as the rest of the world. On that score, we have our own homegrown terrorists. They're called Dumycrats and they are led by the guy who flies around in AF-1.