My SPS Tactical was pillar bedded and the Hogue stock was definitley flimsy. Replaced it with a McMillan A5 and bedded it, then took the trigger down a little. It shot MOA with 69gr FGMM, and I was a bit disappointed, but shoots the 69gr SMK in front of Reloader 15 into .5-.6 MOA all day long, occasionally producing a group in the .3s or .4s.
The McMillan A5 is sold now, and I'm waiting on a McMillan A1-3 since this rifle will now be my carry around rifle for anything coyote and down in size.
Might be my thread about the SPS Tac, there were pictures too. Good little rifle for the money, but some people bought 'em with really screwed up chambers (just don't let swampy know) from the factory.