Author Topic: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical  (Read 1442 times)

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Offline JeffG

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Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:07:04 PM »
Hey Everyone, anyone own the Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical-20 inch bbl in .308? 
How's it shoot? 
Any issues on the rubber overmolded stock?  Should I plan on replacing it??

Thanks for any and all replies. JeffG
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Offline Graybeard

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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2011, 05:28:35 PM »
Replace it? Why? If it's the Hogue brand with full aluminum bedding block I'm gonna be buying one for one if not both of my SPS Varmint rifles. I don't have the gun you mention but someone some time back posted about getting one. There is a thread here somewhere on it.

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Offline JeffG

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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2011, 05:54:15 PM »
Hey Bill,
I fondled one at Scheels the other night, and the forend is a little whippy. It seems that if a fella would rest it, or put it on a bipod, the forend comes in contact with the barrel, not consistently either. :-\

I was thinking of dipping or painting the stock, but that outer rubber kinda leaves that out.

Other than that it seems like a real handy rifle.
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Offline diggler1833

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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2011, 12:35:33 AM »
My SPS Tactical was pillar bedded and the Hogue stock was definitley flimsy.  Replaced it with a McMillan A5 and bedded it, then took the trigger down a little.  It shot MOA with 69gr FGMM, and I was a bit disappointed, but shoots the 69gr SMK in front of Reloader 15 into .5-.6 MOA all day long, occasionally producing a group in the .3s or .4s.

The McMillan A5 is sold now, and I'm waiting on a McMillan A1-3 since this rifle will now be my carry around rifle for anything coyote and down in size.

Might be my thread about the SPS Tac, there were pictures too.  Good little rifle for the money, but some people bought 'em with really screwed up chambers (just don't let swampy know) from the factory.

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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2011, 02:06:06 PM »
The Hogue stock really is an issue on this rifle. The fore end is very flimsy, and makes the rifle real fussy about where you place it on a rest or where you hold it. The weight of the rifle alone will cause the stock to contact the barrel if you rest it to far forward. That being said the worst group I have fired from mine was still sub MOA at .802 and that was with factory ammo. The rifle also shows a preference for bullets in the 165-170gr weight class.
Mine will shoot 1/2 minute groups all day with Federal Gold Medal Match ammo. Hand loads have it close to 1/4 MOA ,which  from a rifle in this price range is awesome performance. I got mine to hunt with, it carries well and so far my best shot was a doe at just under 400 yds with a called head shot.
I've had mine for 2 1/2 years now and I still love it. There will be new stock in future, but for now I'm just gonna keep shootin it.

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Offline Graybeard

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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2011, 06:23:48 PM »
Are these stocks the Hogue overmoulded stocks they sell as aftermarket items or the Remington stocks with the Hogue over mould only in the areas where checkering normally is at the wrist of grip and fore end? Are they the fully aluminum bedded stocks?

It sounds to me like you're talking about the Remington stocks with the rubber grip areas.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2011, 02:59:24 AM »
I have a SPS tactical in 308 with the hogue stock.  It comes in a pillar bedded version. However, you can buy from hogue a full AL bedded version.  Mine came from Rem with the pillar bedded Hogue stock on it.  I've never had a problem with the stock flexing but I don't use a bipod.  I normally place my front bag just slightly in front of the front screw.  With my handloads and Sierra 165 SBTs, it shoots about 0.5 inch all day and about 1.5" at 200.  It is a little heavy but I've killed several deer with it.  The short 20" barrel is handy up a treestand.
Very nice gun, but as I said, just a little heavy.  But on occasion, the stock "grabs" my hunting cloak as I put the gun up.  This has never been a problem while hunting.

Offline JeffG

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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2011, 07:51:14 AM »
It sounds to me like you're talking about the Remington stocks with the rubber grip areas.

No, this is the Houge overmolded, all rubber skin stock, that comes on the 20" Tactical.
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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2011, 08:21:02 AM »
I bought the same rifle a couple of years ago.  I liked the quietness of the hogue stock but as everyone else said it doesn't take much pressure at the fore end to touch the barrel.  I replaced mine with a Boyds stock that I glass bedded.  Went from ok groups to an average of .3" with my best load.

Offline diggler1833

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Re: Model 700™ SPS™ Tactical
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2011, 11:32:36 PM »
IIRC Hogue makes both a full aluminum bedding block and pillar bedded stocks.

FWIW I wouldn't own either by choice.  The SPS Tacs definitely come with just the pillar bedded stocks, and the rigidity is very close to the other plastic SPS models.