Author Topic: older Savage stock on Stevens 200?  (Read 841 times)

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Offline jwm

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older Savage stock on Stevens 200?
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:50:51 AM »
Any Savage gurus around here?  I have an older Savage wooden stock, which I believe dates back to the 80's (?) from a model called the Silhouette (?), as well as a heavy-profile .308 barrel and an aftermarket trigger.  I'm hoping to grab a Stevens 200 short action to install these bits and pieces and create a cheapo HB shooter.

It seems like Savage has made a bunch of changes to action-screw spacing, bolt releases, bridge profiles, etc. in addition to the Accutrigger.  Does this project sound like it would work, or will I have to start looking for an older Savage action to start with?

Thanks for any info or opinions.


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Re: older Savage stock on Stevens 200?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 12:25:56 PM »
JWM,your project will probably work assuming your old stock is also short action.If not it is still doable if you get a long action.But seems you all ready know you're going to have to check the spacing on the action screws.You could also just hollow out the barrel channel on the stevens stock.That way you can make use of the pillar bedding .

Offline trotterlg

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Re: older Savage stock on Stevens 200?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2011, 03:50:03 PM »
Your project will not likely work.  If you find an older Stevens 200 with the staggered feed magazine it will likely have the same bolt spacing as the 80's Savage short action.  The newer Stevens 200 have a center feed magazine and have different stock bolt spacings.  Larry
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Offline jwm

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Re: older Savage stock on Stevens 200?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2011, 05:09:24 AM »
Thanks for your responses, gents.  As it turns out, no current Savage or Stevens matches the hole spacing on the stock in question (4.5 inches).  I am just going to keep my eyes open at my local shop for an older Savage donor action of the current vintage.

Building up a rifle is a lot easier when you have an action and then assemble the parts you need.  When you start with the parts, but need the action, it gets a bit weird. ???
