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Offline b44mag

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shot the bow ?s added
« on: February 27, 2011, 03:34:36 PM »
im hooked i shot yesterday and today still with old string 10 yrds hit the block target almost every time first 10 or so shots . went and checked out camp for awhile then went back to buddys place shot some more was hitting the vitals with the flu flu arrows at 10 yrds then back to 12 and 5 out of 6 were in the vitals moved back to 15 and i was all over the place missing the block a few times so moved back to 10 and shot a few more i think once i get my string and a nock point a few arrows ill be shooting pretty good not good enough to hunt but by hunting season i should be. im enjoying  this recurve very much ;D. i was shooting the indian 60in 35# camp bow a lil before i got the bearcat . i think ill put it on the wall at camp . it still shoots good .

Offline b44mag

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Re: shot the bow ?s added
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2011, 07:47:57 PM »
the string came today well yesterday :D. it looks good the person who made this did  nice job on the camo look and the serving matches nice also . good heavy waxing on it.  its a bit shorter than the 62 but only by 1/2 inch or so sure it will relax to the 62. the brace height is 8 1/4 to the inside of the grip. should go back to 8 as the string settles in. i pulled the rubber tip of the flu flu arrow and put a piece of paper on the arrow. now i was sitting down like i would be in a blind on a bucket or in my stand. i pulled it at 29 1/2 to the outside of the bow while sitting . basement celling is to low and its raining outside. im thinking i will pull the bow back while standing the extra 1/2 to make it 30 inches to the outside of the bow . i want the tip of the point to be out there a bit in front of my finger. so now the ?s come .
the bow is 48# at 28 in im pulling we will say 29 1/2 maybe 30 . the flu flus say 45/50 with a 125 rubber blunt on them. im short drawing them maybe 28  to outside of the bow. they are 29 1/4 from in the knock to back of blunt 30 3/4 to flat tip without blunt . they fly good but want to get to full draw
1. so what spine would i use in a wood arrow ?  at 32 from inside the knock to the back of a 125 grain target tip
2. how long can i get wood arrows ?  im thinking 32 from the inside of the knock to the back of the point
3. would 33 1/4 long 2117 with a 125 or ?grain point work for this bow ?
 the guy i got it from told me that 2117 or 2216 both should shoot fine out of this bow . i found a set of  7 2117 full length at 33 1/4 with inserts lose for 30 bucks  thinking of buying them. did not get points yet
4. what  size target tip to make the 2117 work keep in mind i want to hunt also so i guess i should get the biggest tip i can so my broad heads will fly about the same
5.  is this possible with the 33 1/4 2117s .
6. can i get long fat carbons same ?s apply as the wood and aluminium
i know this is long and a bunch of ?s as always any and all info is appreciated for sure .
                     thanks b44mag

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Re: shot the bow ?s added
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2011, 01:42:18 AM »
Wood shafts generally are 32 inches full length and that will give you about 31 1/4" BOP once tapered and the nock and point installed.

At 29 1/2" draw you will be getting 50-51 pounds out of the bow, at 30" you will get 51 to 52 pounds.

Your arrow spine will also depend on the type string material is being used, is your new string made from B-50 or one of the fast flight materials?

With a B-50 string and 125g point you are going to need 60/65 spine shafts.  The reason for this is the spine is measured at 26 inches, and it will be much less at 31/32 inches.

The spine of the 2117s abd 2116s might be a little light at full length also.  The longer something is the easier it is to bend.  These shafts would be great for someone with a 29-30 inch arrow length and your bow, but not at full length.

I know some of this is bad news to you, but don't give up there are guys with your draw length out there so we can get you the right arrow setup.
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Offline b44mag

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Re: shot the bow ?s added
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2011, 03:45:33 AM »
the string is b-50 flemish recurve string not fast flight
ok so i put a bid on the 2117s so if i end up with them would it be ok to try lighter heads to use them for target this is all so confusing to me i can  build a house but cant seem to get the grasp on this arrow thing  :( :-[
i am discouraged right now but its nice out today and think i will let a few fluflus go  with the new string .
see how far i pull outside my buddy says im pulling farther cause im thinking about it . i might be stuck with the 2117s with 4 feathers on them i will have to cut them back as far as i can and see how they fly maybe ill luck out . im bumming right now but still loving this recurve thing.

Offline b44mag

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Re: shot the bow ?s added
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2011, 06:15:22 AM »
well just got off the phone with the not so local bow shop guy today very nice guy he said to come down and he will get me set up and teach me a lil bit . the local guy here just seems like if im not buying a 600 compound he just does not have the time. so ill drive a lil ways and talk to the guy i talked to today very cool guy gary was his name and garys got my business. worth the gas to deal with a guy that will take the time to show me the ropes i will buy from him even if his prices are higher . but im sure they are not . customer service is hard to come by and garys the man ;). he said he has gold tip traditionals set with feathers and will be glad to set my nock and show me how to shoot the right way cause i have no idea but ima gonna learn something today for sure  ;D ;D