I'm putting together a G2 Contender in handgun set-up. Right now I've got .44 Mag, .223, and .22 l.r. barrels and the frame should be at the dealer's shop today. I was doing some reading in the reloading manual and was blown away at the velocity difference between the chart for a 7 1/2" Blackhawk and a 14" contender. Using 240gr. Hornady XTP bullets and max loads of H110 the difference was about 400 fps. I think they said it was only about 150 fps less than a Ruger Carbine. Wow!
I'm planning on doing some load work-up for the .44 and .223. I'll be interested to see the performance difference on game with the .44 with the velocity gain. I may even step up to 300gr. bullets.