When you mentioned Hempfield school district I assumed you were talking about Hempfield in Westm'd county, because there is an article in today's local paper about the Hempfield school district in westm'd county, and you didn't mention Hempfield in Lancaster county.
The article states that Hempfield is 5.3 million in debt and they are closing the elementary school my Granddaughter attends to save money. The school district is planning for a 5% increase in the budget, because this is contract year for the teachers. I'm sure they expect the teachers to be bargaining for no money out of their pockets for health care. More vacation time, extended sick time, and raises. No word at this Hempfield of teachers saying anything about pay cuts or pay freezes. Imagine that!
They promise not to raise taxes any more than 1.1 mils. Boy, aren't those tax payers lucky. Again the school district will give into the unions demands, because they don't want a strike, and the tax payers will get their taxes raised again. It happens every time. Over and over and over again.
If the company I work for does not make any money, or is in so much debt that it may not stay afloat. I can expect a pay cut, or a reduction in my benefits. Not a raise, or a pay freeze or more benefits. It should be no different with teachers, or any other public employee.