I plan to do some trigger work on a new SB1 receiver that I bought for my ultra slug barrel. First of all, let me say that my old slug barrel is a perfect fit on this new receiver. I can't believe my luck on that one. I have read through everything I can find on the sight about the subject of trigger work and still have a question.
Excluding the most forward pin that the barrel hooks onto, the pictures I find in the "how-to" sections all show the left side of the receiver and 4 (3/16) pins and one smaller one just above the forward trigger guard support. However, on the right side of the receiver there is another larger pin that sits on top of the smallest diameter pin that does not go all the way through.
What is that large pin called, and how does it come out? Please advise. If there is something on the site that explains this, just give me some direction. I just do not want to start driving out pins with having complete confidence that I know what I am doing.....ya right.